Let’s just say I’m not a supporter of WoW Classic.
Let’s just say I’m not a supporter of WoW Classic.
They’ve got a lot of work to do to earn my trust back.
Bungie splitting from Activision was a good move for them and things do seem to be looking up for Destiny. But yes, they’ve got a long way to go before I’ll be able to forgive them for making a Destiny 2 that wiped away thousands of hours of progression (and content! Zones, dungeons, missions, raids, game modes, all…
This year’s Tennocon was bonkers. Sentient invasion and the new Sentient zone? Every player getting their own version of the Normandy, but you can actually control it and crew it with your friends, complete with Star Trek-style away missions? Nemesis bosses? The impromptu ability to help out other squads in other…
It’s the classic example of artistic vision vs corporate greed. Destiny and Anthem have floundered over a lack of a clear vision, predatory business practices and focus-grouped-mandated game design, while Warframe has only gotten better and better by valuing their players, having a clear vision and innovating.
If the first time the public is hearing about it is a week or two ago, that definitely counts as “coming out of nowhere”.
Already holding liberal and open-minded beliefs, videogames haven’t taught me much...except that I can’t stomach being an asshole to people who don’t deserve it. I tried to do a Renegade run on the first Mass Effect after being mostly Paragon, got to the conversation with Ashley after the tutorial mission. She just…
Oh man, I could talk about portable games for hours; I grew up with a family PC and a succession of Game Boys as my only videogaming options (my parents were adamantly against getting me a console that hooked up to the TV because then nobody else would get to use the TV, so it wasn’t until I was old enough to buy my…
I defined content more as there are NPC factions who have territory out there, or ships wandering around, or even just resources to collect. So it sounds like most of that galaxy is currently just empty space, albeit with a lot of pretty things to look at. Put on some synthwave and that’d still make for some chill…
That’s fairly impressive, though it makes sense now that all of those 150,000 star systems aren’t super detailed. Initially, it seemed kind of staggering that we have other MMOs that can’t manage to put out new areas bigger than a few square miles and here Elite’s devs have created an entire galaxy.
Well, on that subject, I have a question for you: what exactly am I looking at here? Did the developers map out the entire Milky Way galaxy, or was it procedurally generated? Is there content there, or just a lot of stuff to look at (which, judging by these screenshots, isn’t necessarily a bad thing)?
While I love the idea of a DBZ RPG that takes you through the entire show, my concern with having Goku as the only playable character is: what happens with the long stretches of time in each storyline where he’s away and/or out of action? He frequently spent each Saga either dead or injured or training and only came…
There actually is a great market for a Dark Phoenix story, the problem is that it needs to be done in the style Marvel did for Civil War; an extended amount of time to really get to know the characters and get invested in them before the big tragedy happens. That’s what made the comics storyline so special, the X-Men…
Of course, this isn’t the first time Blizzard has canceled a StarCraft shooter. The infamous StarCraft: Ghost, a third-person shooter-stealth game that would star the Terran Ghost Nova, went through several developer changes and public delays after its 2002 announcement before it was finally axed in 2006
I regularly recommend that people, if they’ve never bought any platinum, put down like 20 bucks as a sort of “thank you” for the developers, paying a box price essentially. I’ve certainly gotten a ton more value out of the $20 I put down on Warframe than the $100+ I spent on Destiny and it’s DLC before I quit.
I know, but dare to dream. With anti-lootbox legislation and the trainwreck of Anthem, who knows?
Honestly, I’d take being able to play Battlefront 2's starfighter mode with bots, but no, EA says can’t have that.
why it is that EA is so obsessed with only developing AAA blockbuster Star Wars games, when surely there’s a world of fun/money to be had also working on (or at least just publishing) smaller projects like remasters and shorter/simpler/cheaper games
I still main the same Loki I started the game with. Still use the Brakk shotgun pistol I got from the Gradivus Dilemma event. Still have Relics that used to be Void Keys. That history that gets built up is part of what sets Warframe apart from the rest.