
Because this is what we wanted. The assumption that all people wanted was online multiplayer is why so much single-player content was cut out of Soul Calibur 4 and 5, and it was not a fun time. The writing in 6 might be goofy, but it’s a fun kind of goofy and comes with a ton of single-player content.

What I’m saying is he really needed to speak out more against what the Republicans were doing. It wasn’t until his last two years in office when he really started calling them out on their bullshit.

The worst I can say about Obama is that he didn’t do enough: so much of his two terms was wasted by trying to get consensus with Republicans that they were never going to give him.

You mean the Black Lotus that was banned from tournaments? What better demonstration that someone recognized, even back then, that it was a problem that needed fixing to allow room for other archetypes? We have even more power these days with digital formats to implement these kinds of balance changes, there only

Really? Are you absolutely sure there’s no middle-ground between “instant win with opening hand/few draws” and “draws whole deck for instant win”? Are you absolutely sure a deck that wins by turn 6 or 7 at the lastest isn’t a problem? Are you absolutely sure “that’s how card games work”? Because if you are, then

My argument is that you can’t look purely at individual winrates, you need to look at the broader picture. Let me break it down for you:

Aggro itself is fine and a necessary archetype, what I’m saying is Blizzard gives them way too much power, to the point where they break the game’s random element. Thing is, they have a much higher chance of getting a good opening hand than any other deck type, even a midrange that includes a bunch of cheap minions or

Zoolock itself isn’t that bad in this regard, but it’s part of a very nasty trend: Undertaker Hunter, Aggro Mage, Pirate Warrior, Murloc/Token decks, Odd Rogue and Paladin, all iterations of a deck designed around an exceptionally low curve that exploits RNG to steamroll most decks before they can do much of anything.

Since the deck’s objective is all about stacking the board with minions, you can usually brute force your way to victory by simply dumping your hand.

In the video, he explained, “It’s a different game because there’s an added element where the players have to think about stuns,” adding, “now we’re in a state where crowd control dictates where the game is going.” He argues that crowd control abilities, like Brigitte’s stunning boop, can change the tide of a

So if you’d actually read my post, you will have realized that your rant has absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about.

I find it somewhat odd that Magic, with its much longer history, much larger fanbase built up and arguably much more popular game, still struggles to create the same kind of digital play platform as Hearthstone. I mean, this is what, the third Magic videogame? Fourth? Perhaps it’s the fact that you can’t “share” your

I don’t even play Total War.

My god, Nintendo, do you realize what you’ve done with this Peachette thing? There are no containing these floodgates once they’ve been unleashed.

Oh my god, this actually looks amazing. Likable characters? A nuanced story? Bots with a realistic look but who retain a lot of their cartoon designs and colorfulness so they can still be easily identifiable? Excellent camera work that retains visibility of the action? Why didn’t they get rid of Michael Bay sooner?!

Well, the hope is that they’re find a better band, because as it was the song just...wasn’t very good. Somebody suggested they get Mick Gordon, who did the soundtracks for Doom and Killer Instinct, to do a new song.

I’ve done the Warfront a few times now and it’s quite a bit of fun, actually. It’s a nice change of pace from the standard dungeons/raids/world quests they currently have going on, and it does a decent job of finally fulfilling the Alterac Valley fantasy of large scale army battles. It could probably stand to be a bit

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), the game hasn’t gotten crazy frustrating since Naxx, it’s been crazy frustrating. Remember how Undertaker Hunter just steamrolled over everything? We’ve had varying degrees of “super OP deck warps the meta” since then, sometimes worse and sometimes

Sylvanas has been just the worst leader since, well, forever. We Forsaken aren’t her people, she doesn’t really care about us, we’ve always just been a means to an end; first her revenge against Arthas, and now for keeping her alive at all costs. Problem is, she has so much of the population indoctrinated, enslaved to