Good to know. Haven’t yet had an opportunity to try 2, I’ll keep an eye out for it when I get the Switch.
Good to know. Haven’t yet had an opportunity to try 2, I’ll keep an eye out for it when I get the Switch.
To be honest, Bayonetta’s design is the least offensive thing about those games. A sexy librarian/dominatrix whose clothes are made of her hair? Sure, whatever, at least you’re shameless about your fetishes, Kamiya. I just wish you’d made a game whose combat wasn’t so one-dimensional, whose story wasn’t so…
I have a feeling that if they ever do a Warcraft 4 it will either:
Hell, it’s about damn time. Patches Aggro has been a plague on the game for far too long, and Raza/Anduin has absolutely killed the viability of a lot of midrange decks. Creeper and Bonemare changes aren’t quite as important, in that there were ways to play around or counter them without a huge effort, but are welcome…
I’m mostly fine with nerfs in general, but I do think they overnerf some cards needlessly, like Undertaker. They should aim to nerf cards such that they’re no longer unbeatable, but should still be relevant in certain situations and decks. Changing Undertaker to a 1/3 “Gains +1 Attack when you summon a Deathrattle”… I misreading this or something? This seems like the exact same relationship Sakura’s always had with Ryu, her crushing on him with varying degrees of subtlety and him being completely oblivious to it. Why is everyone getting so worked up about it?
No, Tyreal. Tass has a lot of Transformers references, but the new Tyreal skin came packed with Gundam references, including more than a few G Gundam quotes.
He also quotes this line in one of his poke lines!
And that’s completely fair to say. But there are a ton of other people, myself included, who have loved the hell out of the majority of their present and recent releases. If OP is like you and their games just don’t appeal to them, that’s fine, but it certainly doesn’t make them a garbage studio.
There’s actually a couple of mecha anime fans on the development team, allegedly; there’s been a bunch of Evangelion-referencing skins or tints in the past, and the Mecha Tyreal skin quotes the hell out of Gundam.
To quote SkillUp:
Warframe has one of the best grinds I’ve seen yet, you don’t really notice it much if you enjoy the gameplay enough.
There’s a very good chance it will, but there are some things to bear in mind.
I get why the developers would’ve wanted to play it at least a little safe. New plot, new setting, entirely new characters, with a new dev team to boot, keeping things conservative was definitely a good idea. But they played it too safe, and it really hurt them in the long run.
Andromeda would’ve been much better served keeping the Kett and Remnant to the background, retaining their mystery as much as possible. Who are these strange, hostile aliens who keep harassing us? What’s the deal with these robots and the vaults that can somehow terraform planets? Drop us some tidbits of information,…
Doesn’t it also reduce the number of alien species a bit too?
I saw a reviewer state that Andromeda’s story would’ve fared a lot better if the focus had been on finding the missing Arks and establishing colonies than on messing around with Remnant and Kett drama, and I’m inclined to agree. The game definitely did some things very well; the game had absolutely stellar combat, the…
Warframe, the game you wish you were playing when your friends make you play Destiny.
Still think this shouldn’t have been an expansion to Destiny 1, Bungie? Still think you should’ve wiped our accounts, dumped in a bunch of microtransactions and removed all the old zones, strikes, raids and drops? Still think you should’ve gone with a “clean slate” instead of just building on what was already there?