I’m not gonna lie: SF5's had its problems, and this update might not fix them, but that was a really good looking trailer. Like, artistically and aesthetically. Major props to the cinematic team behind it.
I’m not gonna lie: SF5's had its problems, and this update might not fix them, but that was a really good looking trailer. Like, artistically and aesthetically. Major props to the cinematic team behind it.
Right? The comment I hear all the time from them is either “I never played any of the other DMCs” or “I tried the others but they just didn’t click with me.” DMC:DMC was basically made for a casual gamer audience that likely wouldn’t have picked any of the other DMCs in the first place while at the same time taking…
I don’t know for sure, it’s just what I’ve heard. Either way, they made a hell of a critical comeback.
Objectively bad would be if the controls were bad, the ui was terrible, and if it looked like shit.
It’s nice that you enjoyed it and thought it was good, but just bear in mind that your tastes are probably wildly different from the majority. Looking at it objectively, DMC:DMC isn’t a terrible game but it’s exceedingly mediocre, especially when compared to DMC 3 and 4.
For anyone unfamiliar with Devil May Cry, these should get you up to speed on why these games are so good. (Well, minus DMC2)
The first DMC was revolutionary but still very rough, you could definitely tell it started out as a Resident Evil game. DMC3 is the highlight of the series, and if you ever give it that shot again, make it that game. Good story and characters, excellent enemies and bosses without any color-matching or quick-time-event…
Supposedly, he was brought in late in development, managed to salvage what would have been an even worse DMC2, then went all-out with DMC3.
I only have two comments: “Please be real” and “Please be good”.
Or the unexpectedly great “DMC: Devil May Cry”?
The story is actually a lot better than most people give it credit for. It doesn’t seem like much, but they actually managed to craft a very personal story with meaningful character development and some powerful moments (“Here I thought I wasn’t gonna cry”).
Because they are stubborn. And dumb. But mostly stubborn.
I’m in the same boat. Played the hell out of Destiny 1 with my friends, but wasn’t too pleased with it especially since Warframe offered more content and better gameplay for less money (but none of my friends liked Warframe so Destiny it is). When they announced Destiny 2 would be ditching all of our old gear,…
how it’s pretty standard for games like World of Warcraft to lock players out of content every time an expansion rolls around.
So glad I decided to pass on Destiny 2. Did you learn absolutely nothing from Destiny 1, Bungie? Are you really just remaking the exact same game, right down to the exact same pitfalls and missteps? This is The Dark Below all over again but even worse because there’s not even a full raid this time!
Please, Capcom. I want to believe. Show us you mean it this time.
Capcom for a long time was the king of reusing sprites and other art assets. Whenever they landed on a hit, they would quickly pump out a couple of sequels with very few visual changes, especially in the NES days when you could reuse a ton of sprites and nobody would bat an eye. The original series had 6 NES games and…
I don’t think that’s the proper example, though. Murloc Warleader would be a better example; they specifically cited ease of understanding when discussing the nerf.