Still waiting on those Pirate Warrior nerfs, Blizzard. You knocked out Pirate Shaman, that’s fine and dandy, but new-age-Face Hunter is a pretty big problem too.
Still waiting on those Pirate Warrior nerfs, Blizzard. You knocked out Pirate Shaman, that’s fine and dandy, but new-age-Face Hunter is a pretty big problem too.
I first heard about them when they did the Megaman Zero series and they are definitely a developer to watch. The amount of care and polish and detail they put into those games and the ZX follow-ups is just staggering.
Looks like it’s a boxing ring, which seems appropriate enough given the context.
Because when you love something and you want more of it, you’re not going to complain when that’s exactly what someone gives you.
They started putting in balance changes that read “deals increased damage to non-Guardian enemies”. So yes, balance changes still affected weapons in both modes, but they then tried to compensate by re-buffing damage in PvE.
Yeah, I lost track of how many times weapons were buffed or nerfed purely because of Crucible performance. Glad they eventually figured out you could nerf something for PvP but keep it strong for PvE.
Personally, I remember that Destiny initially billed itself as an open-world, exploration-heavy game with lots of character customization and what we got was baby’s first MMO, for both players and developers. Anthem’s pitch might as well be copy-pasted from that initial Destiny reveal, but with a different developer…
So...I’m confused. I’ve never been a big fan of Beyond Good and Evil, but I know enough about it that this seems like a sequel in name only. Nothing about the trailer (which was visually impressive, don’t get me wrong) or the decription of gameplay sounds anything like the original. It doesn’t even have the original…
Yeah, I’m...not sure how I feel about this. It could be amazing; Destiny certainly seemed to be going that route before all of its production woes turned it into the 2-year beta it ended up being. I definitely love me some mech suits, and the increased emphasis on exploration seems like it could make the game a big…
Yeah, the analogy to Mass Effect 1 is appropriate: it’s game with issues but nothing that can’t be fixed with a sequel. Maybe when the Edmonton team finishes Dylan, they’ll give Mass Effect another shot.
Gears 4 and its Horde mode has certainly been enjoyable, but what really killed it for me was how grindy leveling up classes were. Over the course of a few dozen runs, many of which went into the high 30s and 40s with a few full completions, I only ever got any of the classes to level 4 because it took so damn long to…
The story mode very nearly ruined the game for me. Despite being set up as the definitive conclusion to the Mishima storyline, in the end it’s really only a build-up to Tekken 8; so much of the plot feels like an epilogue to Tekken 6 rather than its own story, or introducing things that will only become important in…
Aggro play in general needs a few swings from the nerf bat; aggro-dominant metas stifle creativity and variety, since only the most control-heavy decks can consistently survive against those super fast openings. That just pushes the meta to two extremes, face-race aggro and always-fatigue control, and anyone who tries…
Two decks that you will rarely see in the flood of Pirate Warrior, Quest Rogue, Aggro Druid and Murloc decks that you see in ranked AND casual. Paladin and Secret Mage may be “strong”, for the moment, but they still get steamrolled by an aggro with a good opening, which they are statistically inclined to get by…
The reason we see this cycle is that there are some underlying problems with the game that have never really been addressed, and while each expansion may shift some of the details around, those same problems remain: the meta always gravitates towards extreme aggro and extreme control, with no real middle-ground to…
It’s designed to circumvent the gold-sellers. For people desperate for more gold, instead of buying them from a shady third-party site that got that gold by hacking accounts, they just get them from Blizzard directly by purchasing tokens and selling them to other players. For people with a ton of gold and nothing to…
I’ll just leave this here.
Because for these kinds of games, the journey is only half the fun. Leveling characters and collecting gear and unlocking stuff is great for a while, but it ends up feeling meaningless unless there’s a lot of endgame content to use it in.
Medics who can stealth are pretty OP, in my experience.