
Actually, I’d say if this does well you can almost guarantee Heroes will start putting something similar together. They already have lore hooks in place - fight battles for the Realm Lords (the announcers on each map), or fight for control of one of the Realms, or even just face off against teams led and themed around

I love my 3DS. The games are great, the controls are great, the design is great.

Yawn, another Call of Duty that treads the exact same ground and the exact same conflict that’s been done a million times over already. Almost nothing screams “we’re completely out of ideas” for a shooter franchise more than going back to World War II.

What I’m saying is that Sigma might not be finished development-wise in time for the base game: it’s not like they work on the game right up until it’s released. Game development tends to be planned out months in advance, so DLC is usually started in the months/weeks after the vanilla release has been finished but

I don’t actually think either of the boss characters will be playable on release, and they might not even show up separately; the trailer makes it seem like them fusing is the start of the story mode and then it goes from there.

Crystal Core may not be unstoppable, but like Aggro Shaman and Pirate Warrior, that doesn’t mean it isn’t obscenely OP. I’ve seen a lot of Aggro variants with a ton of card draw (they play and then bounce Novice Engineer or Swashburglar to keep them fueled while they complete the quest) and cheap Charge minions

Blizzard stuffs fun references into every aspect of their games they can get away with. From NPCs walking around in WoW to card flavor text in Hearthstone to item descriptions in Diablo, but most often it shows up in the poking quotes for their RTS titles: Warcraft, Starcraft, and now Heroes. The best, however, is

Er, except I’m pretty sure the move away from Adventures was to lower the bar of entry to new players; instead of having to invest 2-3k gold to unlock all the wings of an Adventure, they can just buy 20-30 packs and get more total cards.

Except the campaign of the original Battlefront 2 (man is that weird to say) following the troopers of the 501st was pretty freaking fantastic, so never write such things off too quickly.

I think I had maybe one game where someone actually chose stealth; most went for +3 attack and windfury or health and taunt.

It’s kind of funny, I’ve been seeing it crop up a lot as people throw it into pre-existing decks without any real syngery (like the accursed Jade Druid), all while I’m running a Handbuffing Paladin deck with double Aldor and Keeper of Uldaman, so they get to watch their monstrous 7-drop come into play with a ton of

Starcraft 2 had a pretty silly one: a one-day-only co-op challenge where you’re put into a 1v1 match against your partner, commander abilities and all. The name of the challenge? “Sudden But Inevitable”

I sure as hell didn’t want that. I didn’t grind for dozens of hours to get those exotics and that raid gear and do all the quests and level up the factions and infuse my weapons and get all those shaders and ships and icons just to lose EVERYTHING because Bungie doesn’t know how to fix the game on a mechanical level

And that’s really great for them, being the die-hard purists that they are, I just don’t think making this a big commercial release was necessary.

I know, right? What could be a bigger emergency? Nothing, that’s what. The fate of the company hinges upon relevance to my interests.

I’ll be honest, as someone who played the hell out of Starcraft/Brood War and kept that up with all the Starcraft 2 releases...I’m not that interested in this. Any time I want to go back and play the original campaigns, I have the Mass Recall mod for SC2 installed and ready to go; all of the old missions recreated

The article makes it seem like this an issue exclusive to Diablo, but it really isn’t: think of almost any multiplayer game and you’ll find that the vast majority of people don’t talk to each other. And you know what? That’s okay. Some people don’t want to chat it up with strangers, they just want to play the game.

It’s unfortunate that they don’t balance all the Pokemon to be equally viable, leaving us with these tiers that have drastic differences between them.

This is the problem I’ve always had with religion’s supposed monopoly on moality: it’s based in selfishness and fear of authority. They don’t do good things because it’s the right thing to do, they do it because they want to be rewarded by their master and because they fear going to hell.