
Because superhero teams are generally more “open PuG” than “limited roster” type groups, they’ll bring along anyone willing to help out.

It’s not terribly surprising, to be honest: Fire Emblem has so many great characters and varied fighting styles that they could populate a fighting game all on their own.

You know, I really don’t understand why they didn’t just use the formula from the old Battlefronts: control points, reinforcement counters, classes with specific weapon loadouts that bring their own strengths and weaknesses. To put it in a more familiar way: why fix what wasn’t broken?

Looking over the interview, it’s not explicitly said that we won’t be getting any new raid or story content, just that none of it will be locked behind an additional pay wall. Just like with the upcoming rollout of more exotics, I can easily see them sliding in some more secret missions or a story arc or even a raid

To be fair, there is some logic to what he’s saying; part of the reason why modern games seem so much shorter is because a lot of their development time is devoted to the graphical effects and physics and voice acting and other nonsense that older games didn’t have. Hell, FF7 still had pre-rendered environments

That’s partially what I mean. If you queue for either of the level 40 playlists (i.e. where you get marks and endgame non-exotic drops), most of the year one strikes are missing.

PoE stops at level 34, so the best you can get from it are resources (Coins, Weapon Parts, Motes, etc).

“But he’s my friend.”

but whether it’s Destiny’s Crucible or Call of Duty’s Nuketown, you’re usually (warning: gross generalisation incoming) doing the same thing: running around like a maniac, never stopping, emptying clips into fleeting glimpses of the enemy.

Got him last night, and I have to say, Blizzard really nailed it with his intended design, i.e you will feel really clumsy and handicapped with a bad partner, but feel like a destructive force of nature with a good partner. Played 2 matches with a friend I only know through Heroes and then 2 more with a guy who’s been

This was going to happen one way or another, though. When Dark Origins dropped the bomb that there were ultra-powerful hybridized Zerg/Protoss hidden throughout the galaxy, engineered for the sole purpose of wiping out all opposition, there aren’t many ways for that story to end except “everyone bands together to

StarCraft as a game series isn’t going anywhere, not even considering the additional content they’ll be releasing. While the existing plotline may be over, there’s nothing stopping them from making a Starcraft 3 with a new generation of characters.

God damn you, Blizzard, just fucking take it already!

Impossible in theory I’m sure, but this is what I have seen.

I’ll gladly take longer queues in exchange for better matches, especially if they tune it to provide balanced teams when people queue as parties. Often I’ve had a Quick Match where we get absolutely steamrolled by a team with great coordination and synergy and when I check the end-of-match stats, yup, all or most of

They seem to control sort of like an Abathur symbioting a single person for the entire match; given that us Abathur players are always theorycrafting devastating symbiote/host combos but are never in a situation where it’s practical to stay locked to a single target for so long, this sounds like it’s going to be a lot

Well, taunts could still be targetable, but it wouldn’t be removed as an effect, just like silencing a beast does not change it from being a beast. Silencing a Sunwalker would remove divine shield and a Belcher would remove Deathrattle, but the taunt effect would remain.

Having Blizzard involved with film or TV projects.

It’s fairly common, more or less. You’re right that Bungie doesn’t seem to have a clear idea for what they want to do with Destiny, but this habit of frequent iteration is seen in a lot of games with a long-term lifespan.