Yeah, I remember when Flamestrike and Polymorph/Hex were the biggest things to worry about.
Yeah, I remember when Flamestrike and Polymorph/Hex were the biggest things to worry about.
There’s definitely potential for that, or for removing taunt from the list of effects that can be removed by silence. In general, though, we need more cheap “low attack, high health” minions with taunt, AoE or healing available to all classes. Increasing starting hero health is also a possibility, though a…
So which time was the “real” time when aggro was too good? Or has it been continuously too good? I’d say not.
They have those options in Hearthstone, but those options are either fairly weak (taunts, which can be silenced or hit with cheap removal, fairly slow (healing) or too situational (AoE removals, which often damage both sides of the board or are limited to certain classes).
Yo dawg, we heard you like embargos, so we put an embargo on your embargo so you can be embargoed about being embargoed.
Hearthstone has a problem with aggressive playstyles in general. When people aren’t making decks that obliterate you in a single turn after cycling through their entire deck (hi Patron Warrior, Freeze Mage and to a lesser extent Force/Savage Druid) they’re making cheap aggressive decks that dump all of their initial…
1. Elimination
One of the great mysteries of Bungie’s logic: their game is in dire need of more content. Running the Strike playlist in particular often sends you back into the same Strike over and over again due to the small pool (Because who doesn’t want to do Winter’s Run and Devil’s Lair over and over again?). So why would they…
Oh man, that Popeye.
The big thing to remember about Artanis is that all of his abilities may seem amazing and unstoppable, but they have their share of drawbacks:
The Gamecube had some of the best games in history, yet was one of the worst-selling consoles. Does that seem right to you?
He’s a little schizophrenic, either amazingly good or really easy to kill. He’s awful as a main tank, too easily crippled by stuns or knockbacks, but as a beefy assassin in small skirmishes he’s incredibly resilient.
That’s completely besides the point, it’s boring game design. Exact same reason why PvP in MMOs have implemented diminishing returns or limits on stuns, it’s no fun to have little to no control over your ability to win a fight. Doesn’t matter how much you practice your defense, at some point you make a mistake, get…
It always drives me nuts whenever a fighting game series starts leaning towards extended juggles and lifebar-destroying combos, because yeah, I definitely play these games to spend half of a match sitting there not pressing any buttons while my opponent goes through a memorized sequence.
From Gladiator to Braveheart, most historical fiction about fighting with swords is kinda wrong, influenced more by performance art than how people actually fought each other with blades.
Given how squishy Kerrigan is, even with her shields, I think a little rapid shield generation is perfectly fine.
I wasn’t too thrilled by most of the emotes, they were all a little over-dramatic and cheesy. I got the bow because it suits me better than just generically pointing at things, but even then, I think I would’ve preferred to just get the Exo-greeting “salute” as an equippable emote.
To be fair, Hunters were bugged while Titans and Warlocks are simply stupid-overpowered. You know Bungie: if it’s a bug or affects Hunters, they’re on it, but they would never try and nerf their precious Warlocks.
I had this in a match earlier today: 2 Hunters on the opposing team who spent a significant percentage of time spamming arrows everywhere. Even if they missed, you’d still get tethered and be easy pickings for their teammates.
I wasn’t too thrilled by it, to be honest. An overemphasis on jumping puzzles soured the experience for me, especially when my group was struggling on the Daughters because not all of us were very good at the platform jumping (and the ships? Hunters were screwed unless they had Bones of Eao). There were also a few too…