
What, no Mark of the Ninja recommendation? It’s one of the best stealth games ever made, AND it’s 75% off.

“Damn it, I’m a doctor, not a comedian!”

While I understand Blizzard’s reasoning behind talent gating (since most of those unlocked talents provide very straight-forward ways to build characters, teaching people how a character is intended to be played before opening it up to more customization) I agree that it’s not really being handled well at the moment.

Which is very true! It would be nice if Bungie could just refund us all the money we’ve put into this game so far, but we can’t expect too much out of them. I’ll take a step in the right direction over more $20 “3 missions and a raid” expansion packs any day.

Cosmetics purchasable with cash-shop currency and free story content added every few months? So, Destiny, you’re copying off of Warframe now, eh?

Potential match completion rewards now include both weapons and armor, matching the same items available from Lord Saladin during each event.

Now playing

The way I see it, if you’re gonna go running around shooting aliens, why not do it with some style?

I admit the other supers are great, but it is the worst feeling when you finally charge and use your super just to have it immediately canceled.

Never played Control on a small map, I take it? People are trying to capture a point, opposing player runs around a corner, tosses out a Super, point’s now clear? Ring any bells?

Oh, I play a Hunter, and Shadowshot has definitely been fairly fantastic, but it has its weaknesses where Stormtrance and Hammer of Sol have practically none.

I’m guessing you’ve never seen someone kill half or most of the enemy team with a single Nova Bomb or Fist of Havoc and completely swing a match around.

Hunters have always done well in Crucible, but the new Titan/Warlock specs just make them completely obsolete:

Stormcallers too, they’re basically arc blade mixed with fist of havoc plus a movement speed boost.

If you’re fine 1v1 why do you need lamb to isolate someone and 1v1 them?

Do tell.

And none of what you have said in any way disproves anything that I said.

Eh, I wasn’t too thrilled by it. The concept was really cool: a secret time trail challenge only accessible through a detour at the end of a mission? This is some classic videogames-level stuff here. BUT it had some major issues that made it more of a frustrating grind than a fun challenge:

Pretty much the opposite, actually. It keeps the players guessing, searching for more secrets.

It’s that “drops are based on your current light” system that’s been the big game-changer here. Instead of being stuck for ages waiting for a drop or farming for marks, you can actually be endgame-ready just from random blues you find. Your build won’t be as efficient or have perks quite as good as if you were decked

Except Butcher typically wins most 1v1s against people without escapes or stuns anyway, having a big burst of damage with a long delay doesn’t really change that. Furnace’s main value is in its AoE, which is where the problem comes in, as actually hitting multiple targets without dying or already having an advantage