
Making them take cleanse certainly accomplishes more than furnace going off and accomplishing nothing.

That was a little different though, that was gear that was data-mined from the game files but never confirmed to be obtainable. This is Bungie saying “hey, look at all the great stuff you can get in the game!”, stuff that was already obtainable, but then for some reason not including it. Hell, on the Khepri page it

Well that doesn’t make any sense. Why would they be in the database, listed in the Armory on Bungie’s website no less, but not be available in the game yet? Especially since older versions of them already exist? It’s one thing to say the item isn’t getting a Y2 version at all, it’s another to say it is getting one but

That Purifier Artanis Skin. That Apothecary Medic skin. That cowboy Raynor skin. That Vulture Mount. My god, looks so good...

Furnace is one of those “win more” abilities; great if you can safely charge into the middle of an enemy group without getting immediately blown up, which usually means you have a level advantage or a lot of backup. Butcher already has some crazy single-target damage capabilities, he just has an issue with targets

Do you mean items which already have a year-two version or ones that don’t yet?

Do what? The blueprints? They’re in the Vanguard hall, on either side of the entrance; one tab will have all of the year-two exotics you’ve obtained, the other will have all the year-ones. Initially acquiring a Y2 version of a Y1 item costs 150 marks, reobtaining something you’ve already owned costs an exotic shard

Not only were they in my physical possession, but they were actually equipped to my hunter at the time of the Taken King update, and are currently sitting in my vault.

While we’re on the subject of weird things happening with the new exotics, has anyone else run into this issue? I had some year-one exotic armor and was looking forward to getting the year-two versions from the blueprint kiosk, but they’re not showing up for me. Specifically, the Khepri Sting and Bones of Eao. I know

It is a well-established fact that once you reach a certain elderly age, you just completely run out of fucks to give.

Sharing a shower with other men after sports or gym is such a strange male experience and I think that’s part of why this is so hilarious. As men (especially young men) we sort of just hunker in the shower, try and avoid looking at each other’s balls and kinda just… get the whole thing over with as soon as possible.

The one that had already been unrivaled in a market full of attempted rivals for over 10 years before starting it’s decline? The one that, by this point, has a gargantuan amount of content that people who haven’t bought the latest expansions can still enjoy? Yes, that WoW.

Except that those of us trying to rebuy all of our exotics are going to need to do a ton of farming and grinding in order to get our desired gear back. Goofing around with blue gear is funny and all, but given how frequently it gets replaced, building for specific stats or perks isn’t really feasible until you start

Now playing

The guy is an entitled, hateful scumbag. He apparently thinks that just because a game is frustrating, you’re then allowed to heap verbal abuse on your fellow players instead of, you know, exercising some self-control? This is all he deserves:

The game is in a rather poor state right now, unfortunately, largely due to how RNG the game has become. Luck has been deciding games far more often than it really should; whether it being one player getting the perfect opening and the other getting no answers (which face-aggro decks have been exploiting mercilessly)

Pretty much. I’m not a new player, I’ve played since the beta and create my own decks rather than just copying what’s popular in the meta, meeting greater success and motivation to keep playing as I iterate on my decks and shore up their weaknesses. And I’m getting demoralized by all this randomness that’s creeped

I would imagine those are the feral Zerg that still inhabit Aiur and stand guard over the corpse of the Overmind. One of Zeratul’s missions in Wings of Liberty involves having to fight them off and they’re never spoken of as being under Kerrigan’s control.

It’s not too surprising to see why that first one is at the top of the rankings; all the parts of the sequence are timed almost to perfection, and there are some impressive visual feats on display there.