
The fact that no one brings this sketch up in conversations about athletes on SNL is criminal. Gretzky and Peyton were probably a little better, but not by much, and really only because they got to play sports in the sketches they became known for.

So the reality of unreimburaed health care is that it disproportionately affects rural hospitals and health systems because costs associated with one person who can’t pay for care aren’t as easily amortized to others. Without some kind of system ensuring that people can pay for care, rural health systems are at risk

He’s suing then because he - rightfully - believes that the league is conspiring not to hire him. If you prove him wrong, you actually solve two problems (from the league’s perspective).

Why the hell would it matter if they went back to college after washing out of the NBA? We’re conditioned to think that’s bad, when it really would have no appreciable impact in the vast majority of circumstances. Being “tainted” makes no goddamn sense.

If it was really about players, they could have tried to work with the NCAA to get them to back off the entirety stupid “you can’t go back” rule. But we all know it wasn’t for the players anyway.

Because there’s no free labor but highly monetized farm system for the Army. Duh!

Your original point, such as it was, was that it’s pointless to legislate gun control because people won’t follow the laws anyway

So it’s cool if I steal your car then right? Since laws are pointless?

Why should Maryland be left out? I love in Colorado and my cutting boards look just like our fine state

You’re both right. Rogers’ “Diffusion of Innovation” model is the usual framework for thinking about this. I read of laggards, though, the back end is people who need the function, but can’t afford new technology that isn’t totally ubiquitous. Infrastructure and prices eventually take over and make the new thing the

Easier than calling out China’s human rights record or trade practices. And definitely easier than getting them to put the kibosh on North Korea. Definitely the trump thing to do.

Needs more stars

If only Hannity viewers would smash their own DNA in protest of 23andme pulling their ads.

That’s how you do it. +1

There’s a PBSKids app, y’all. Still shouldn’t substitute for actual parenting, but you can download entire episodes (to watch on a plane for example) without worrying about content or autoplay.

Or the owner. Yeah, that’s it - pain killers are for the owner.

Also 15. Waiting in a parking lot for drivers ed to start. Turned the wheel hard to the side while the key was in but not turned on. Locked the steering column so badly he instructor had to help me get it out.

Certainly the best baseball player, and maybe the best major sport pro athlete, to ever come out of high school in Colorado. (The only others in the conversation are Chauncey Billups and maybe Goose Gossage). That’s pretty goddamn remarkable by itself.

That’s like saying that anti-Vaxxers argue with the fact that doctors use scientific language. It completely ignores the fact that their premise is insane.

Just let em play for it in the Western Conference Finals.