Serengetti Dove

I must say, I have zero reverence for religious symbols. To say it is thousands of years old does not lend it sacrosanct status. Even more so, there is much reason for some to purposefully debase Hinduism, much in the same way that critics of Christianity might invert the cross. Of course, the irony of the inverted

Get. Over. It. Wearing clothing and accessories inspired by a culture does not automatically debase that culture. It's a fundamentally neutral act.

Does anyone else think Drunk in Love is a TERRIBLE song?? I can't listen to it when it comes on the radio. It just sounds like a collection of random sounds and Beyonce talk-singing for like 8 minutes about nonsensical things. NOT MUSIC.

My anecdata supports your anecdata.

This isn't about the kids, usually. You do have a subset of kids who are naturally high achieving, ambitious, Type A personalities who thrive under stress. But not most kids.

The idea of your handsome horse has made me unexpectedly emotional. Thank you for sharing!

Does anyone else remember when Banana Republic was like the J.Peterman catalogue? Full of safari ready clothes and hand drawn pictures, as of people were in the clothes but no bodies? I had some total "Out of Africa" stuff from them. That's when the name made sense.

If this was Games of Thrones, then Prince Harry's henchman would have smeared bacon grease on the baby's nose.

I like how this picture illustrates perfectly that to the English aristocracy there is no difference between one's child and one's dog. They are equal.

I'm loving not having kids, but am totally regretting the whole work thing. Being a stay at home mom to my cats would be ideal.

But he's a baby, so it comes out as "ahzhabakay!"

It's probably a good thing that he can't talk yet — I agree that he's probably already tormenting that dog — but you've got me wondering as to when he'd actually be told that he shall be King. It could create a heckuva three-foot tyrant, if done too early. ;=)

Exactly. Most people seem to be taking sides, but they're both assholes here.

I think Gandhi said it best "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

Yeah, that got old quickly for me.

I can't even be bothered by this in the slightest. I find high fashion and Vogue (which epitomizes it) so ridiculous that the inclusion of reality TV and tabloid celebs and larger-than-life rap artists is totally acceptable. Major side-eye to anyone who thinks this is the end of times (any time.)

Glad I'm not the only one. I stopped about halfway through the 3rd because it was SO BAD.

I actually wouldn't be very pleased with a high school aged daughter or son being in a serious relationship. That's the age you should be learning about yourself, and while some may argue that love is a part of self, I do believe that you need a certain level of maturity, self-actualization, and experience in life

Ha, god, I got so many of these stupid comments growing up. (occasionally still get 'em) Genetically, I'm South American. My mum's a tiny, very white Welsh woman, my dad's German-based and just as white, so I really, really stand out. I can remember my mum telling me I was adopted when I was probably three. It

This "QUICK! MAKE AN EXCUSE!" response drives me bananas. This chick has likely had more than enough excuses made for her.