Serengetti Dove

I'm confused because we had an article last week saying that formula is not worse than breastmilk and suddenly breastmilk a DIRE need for her baby while she's in jail? Don't get me wrong, I think she should be able to relieve the pressure cuz I bet that hurts like hell, but I dunno if it's this life or death reaction

What?! I loved it!

I understand now. Christ on a cracker that's amazing.

I'm not part of an adoptive family exactly but I do have siblings from my parents other marriages and my half brother and sister and my step brother and sister are absolutely my REAL siblings even if I didn't grow up with all of them.

Dear Judgmental Know-it-all,

He is making those chicks in Teen Mom seem like good parents.

My siblings and I have different Dads and in 4th grade during a family tree project I asked my teacher for help on where to put them and she goes oh well they aren't your real brothers and sisters so it doesn't matter. Worst childhood experience ever, never forgot that.

You're 30, not 13.

Adoptee and adoptive mom here (daughter is 9, from China also adopted at 10 months) and I am seconding everything you said, much of which I have experienced from both the child and the mother's viewpoint.

Yes, and also the 'real parents' are the ones who were desperate to have you in their lives and they to be in yours. The ones who viewed you as the joyful completion to a family. The ones whose lives became complete because you came into it. The ones who are overjoyed to hear the word 'mom' or 'dad' coming from you,

I don't have children but I have step brothers.

There should be a class that is required to graduate high school that involves learning what appropriate usage of the words "real" or "actual" or whatever are. Those words are used so commonly in ignorant ways that hurt people all the time, by people who never give a thought to the implication that the opposite of

A-freakin'-men. Family is the people you love and care for, no matter what's in someone's DNA.

When I was a kid and I'd say "my mom ..... " some jackass kid would always say "your real mom or your adoptive mom?" What the actual fuck. A) that lady that raised me, that was my 'real' mom. 2) why the hell would I tell you a story about my bio parents whom you know I don't remember or know much about? Ugh. People.

As an adopted child and a birth parent, this really hit home to me. When I was struggling with the idea of abortion vs. adoption, I actually had someone say- "why would you give your baby to a stranger? How could they love your child as much as you could?" They said this to me in full knowledge that I was an

I would pay 11 cents to make them shut up.

Wow, something that I as a nerd finally have in common with religious nutjobs: hating deviations from the established canon of my favorite fictional universes.

Sorry, as pre-K teacher I can tell that the mom did 95% of this work. And the trending celebrity selection is probably not the little girl's choice either. I actually think it's not cute at all for parents to use their kids like that.

I mean sorry but yes. Let's say the child is a design savant and could envision it all. That's remotely possible. However the motor control? Nope sorry, nope nope nope.

Trust me, the request was not received well and was not especially successful. Pity, because they really aren't bad people, but they should have been mature enough to realize how staggeringly clueless and abrasive the whole thing became.