Serengetti Dove

It says a lot about Kathy Griffin when my first thought at reading the headline was a literal interpretation.

It depends on the state.

I bet you could just keep her in the cart until you return it and then carry her to the car!

I live across the country from my entire side of the family, none of them except her great grandparents have met her, and I'll be damned if I'll stop posting multiple pictures a day most days. If I can put up with drunk posts and a million reasons why pit bulls aren't dangerous you can deal with my baby pics.

The second picture show exactly what is wrong with jumping side saddle, the rider has been left and is hanging on that poor horse's mouth. Shameful!

That just makes me miss Soledad O’Brien. She would have verbally body slammed him for those comments.

Keep it coming, Rand. Show the world what an insufferable doucherocket you are. It’s the best part of the Republican candidate clusterfuck.

I suspect they're not. The only way this makes sense if if we're talking about dry weight of lentils.

I like Dulles. If your criteria for putting it on this list is the fact that it is far from downtown DC, that isn’t fair. 75% of business nowdays is conducted in Reston/Herndon, right next door. Plus most airports are way outside of the cities they serve (yeah Denver....I’m looking at’re closer to Kansas

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Getting two cats is better than getting just one.

Also, consider adopting an older animal! I got a senior cat from a friend and she's the best pal I could ever ask for. Trained, calm, and just wants to be on your lap/against your side the entire time. I lucked out because she's really healthy *knock on wood* and still quite active/vocal/responsive, but having her has

Well, the answer to the question is very simple.

"specific economics aside, no matter what a couple asks for as a wedding gift, you should shut right the hell up and give it to them."

I quit buying acquaintances several hundred dollar presents after five straight weddings I didn't receive a thank you note.

I won't lie, I do love to look at Brody Jenner... I just wish he wouldn't speak.

Serious question: What year do you think it will be before one of these morally bankrupt fairy tale remakes will feature a non lily-white lead.

YOU GUYS I want an actual Muslim president so bad. It doesn't even matter where he or she stands on the issues; it would be worth it just to watch these morons cry and shit themselves.

She's lying though. She regularly made jokes in her standup about peoples' plastic surgery (and always with the conditional that since she had gotten work it was okay for her to make fun of people for it), she used to frequently refer to 'big fat Oprah' whenever Oprah was having weight problems again. She would

Oh, fuck off you gigantic piles of fucking shit for humans. There are goddamn programs to help with things like reactive attachment disorder and if you had contacted DHS with your concerns and let them know about the bind you were in, they could have helped you find appropriate support and probably worked along with