Well we did educate her!
Well we did educate her!
Well around here a jail is supported by the county instead of the state and criminals whose sentence is less then a year serve there, so drug dealers, shop lifters, domestic abusers all go to jail instead of prison. At least the first time.
She was serving her sentence so she got convicted. So I'm going with she was guilty.
The people who can afford to by Chanel off the runway find the grocery store to be one of those exotic gritty locations.
I guess she should of thought about that before she did something that landed her in jail.
You sound very "Let them eat cake" A lister blah blah blah.
I hate award shows and I actually really liked this one. Maybe first one ever. LOL I thought it took itself a lot less seriously then most.
All the couples are allowed to hug who they are with, why shouldn't a Mom hug her baby, seems sweet and natural to me.
I like that Liza looked like she was fixing Lupita's straps because I kept thinking with all the hugs "don't pull that top off!"
I love this song! This song sums up what it feels like to be me. And I consider myself pretty lucky!
It seem to work OK for Apollo Ohno!
It is also not normal to take a newborn to the beach.
My best friend is Filipina and when her daughter was a baby I use to carry her around and people would always ask me where I got my chinese baby.
Exactly! Lucky—We are the lucky ones, saved from a life without children. A life where at family gatherings a bunch of adults sat around looking at each other. Lucky is being able to go to school concerts, and soccer games, lucky is kids movies followed by ice cream, Lucky is the 1000 funny things they say a day. And…
I firmly believe if you are one of those people who say (and I've heard it) I could never love an adopted child like a birth child—then you do not have what it takes to love and be a parent to any child and should really just skip the whole experience for people who are up to the challenge. Because in the "russian…
This drives me crazy. The amount of times I hear about how adopted kids don't turn out well because 1 adopted kid didn't turn out well. Let's go look in the prisons, the detention room at schools etc and see how many of those kids are adopted vs birth.
I don't actually punch them. I do say "You mean their birth Mom".
When a woman uses a sperm donor is that sperm donor the child's "real" Dad? Of course not. The people who love and raise you are your family.