Serengetti Dove

Until you are part of an adopted family, you don't know the crap people say to you and the kids.

Lazy and cheap. It cost roughly $1,700 to feed formula for a year vs free. Take that $1,700 and take the baby on a beach vacay!

If you pet an animal, it might bite. It really is part of the risk and while obviously an animal that is just mean shouldn't be around people, people really need to take more of the responsibility when they are bitten.

Is there a video link to this?

It also means instead of rolling over in the middle of the night grabbing baby and inserting breast, you have to get and make a bottle, then grab baby and insert bottle.

This study was paid for by Nestle

Yay it's not like she's pimping her kid out on the internet and treating her likes she's some kind of doll. Oh wait.

Only people who never hang out with 4 year olds think a 4 year old made these. Good job 4 year olds Mom.

I want her to star in a remake of Fantasy Island. I want beautiful tropical location, beautiful tropical clothes, and beautiful people. Please thank you

Law, cop, or hospital shows I have had enough of. How about a Fantasy Island remake with Davis as Ms Roarke.

It is very important to protect the sanctity of a loveless marriage.

Someone emailing me asking for a gift or money is not getting a gift or money! If I ended up at a surprise wedding I would probably send a small gift later but not if asked for one.

I like this idea because then you wouldn't need to give a wedding presents. I think wedding presents have gotten completely out of control!

They can just print pictures of Simon Cowells kid. He's not even 2 weeks old and he's being pimped out for publicity like nobodies business!

Kylie- You know with our wealth and connections we could do anything we want!

I want them to star in a remake of Grease. Grease on Ice!

I'm a horse trainer and own a b&b, I brush my hair most days although I wear it up so you really can't tell the difference anyway and make up just kind of looks dumb at the farm I think. I remember one time I had a lunch date with a friend and then went straight to teach a lesson and my "kids" were all confused

I'm a major beach bum and even I wouldn't bring a newborn to the beach

You do realize the concept of"sport" predates the English language?