Serengetti Dove

Understand as a riding instructor who has to beg parents to get their registration forms in. Kind of need to know who and when is showing up.

Unfortunately adoption has been around even longer than 2 days and people still can't get that right. They are children not adopted children. Birth Moms are just that not real Moms. etc. I think people do it on purpose to be a passive aggressive ass hole!

Outfit is cute, but the dude is Hot!

He wins the whole Olympics!

I'm in my 40's and still don't have a husband or kids and you know how I feel about it—Like I dodged a freakin' bullet. While my peer friends are tied down to men they don't really like anymore and teen aged children that treat them like shit, I'm free free, set me free!

Why shouldn't Kim and Kanye be royal? All Royals are, are the people who killed, raped and stole there way into power and wealth and then passed that power and wealth down the generations.

If the rest of the Middle East could get their act together it would be great! Those countries are proof that you can have a Moslem nation and have a normal nice life. Sadly even the radicals are doing their best to bring those countries down instead of raising the rest up.

I want the yoda one!

Here is a simple rule: You don't deny me access to things and I will worry about my own uterus. Simple really.

I agree.

I understand completely, I show horses and had some asshole just last week argue with me that it's not a sport. I honestly think they get so defensive because not only are they sports that take a tremendous amount of physical athleticism, but also mental toughness and both are deadly dangerous if done wrong. But

There is always an asshole are two who have to attack any sport that doesn't involve manly men and a ball. Ignore them, they think catch is more of a sport than skating. pffff they are to be pitied.

A fox or a raccoon killed one of my barn cats recently. This hellish winter needs to end, the wild animals are getting hungry.

And if the drug industry can't make a small fortune from it, it won't get licensed.

I've escaped myself, but for the past 4 generations 95% of my family is in the Medical research industry. So I know who it goes.

It's always amazing how drug companies and their $1 whore-the FDA always conclude that only drugs work. Research is only as good as who ever pays for it.

Well hopefully you find a way out soon!

Have you tried emailing them, I would think even off season they would have someone handling reservations, etc? I own a B&B and I answer my email year round.

Where are you going to stay? Can you ask the people at the hotel or campground. They might know someone who can do it for you.

Can you and your husband live separate for awhile? You go back to your job and life, and when he's finished helping his parents he can come home to you? 400 miles is not that far that your marriage can't survive the distance.