Popping over to Deadspin for the basically the first time. Finally so reporting on interesting sports, instead of male centric American ball sports.
Popping over to Deadspin for the basically the first time. Finally so reporting on interesting sports, instead of male centric American ball sports.
I am the only one who listened to that waiting to hear a quote from Homer Simpson. I was honestly confused.
I understand I have a houseful of crazy animals! I just read your post and after the heartbreak of losing you granddad I can't imagine losing the dog too! I know your Poppy will be happy to know you are doing your best for his little BFF! Hugs for your loss!
I don't know you so ignore if you want, but don't you think you might regret getting rid of your Poppy's dog? I think it would break my heart.
Sage after the winner of the first olympic gold today. He's a snowboarder so a lot like what you just described your kitten doing! Congrats! He's adorable.
Still my favorite
I thought they were pretty good. I actually LOVED that a large portion of America was watching ballet and listen to Opera. That doesn't happen every day.
Agree completely AND I'll take it one step further and say, even if you are chubby and saggy, wrinkly etc wear what makes you happy.
We are really happy that she still plays with toys because a lot of her peers don't anymore.
I agree. I like to give books to kids as gifts but I make sure I read everything I give, because there is some crap out there.
I never attacked you. I just pointed out that being judgmental can go both ways. You are angry that you got called out on your age shaming. I'm not angry. I'm the one who is happy to let people dress the way they want regardless of their age.
Attack me or attack everyone, the point is you don't have the right to tell other people how to dress. No one cares that you think women over 50 have ugly legs and must hide them.
Well glad you decided what you find aesthetically pleasing is the rule for everyone. You can speak for yourself but at 45 and life long athlete my legs are killer.
I always thought it was sketchy that girls should dress sexy and women should dress dowdy.
I'm not saying toys don't have influence over our kids but parents really are the biggest factor. For example I have a niece and a "god daughter" (that's is what my friend calls it even thought I am born and raised Atheist) They are both 12, My niece loves Monster High Dolls and actually still plays with toys. She…
I thought it was pretty interesting in how spot on it seemed to be in many ways. My friends who lives evolve around their man, it was all about their men. Pets —pets, kids—kids. Mine was about my business, which was pretty accurate.
I understand in theory where they are coming from, but as an Aunt to black children I just see another toy that doesn't represent them at all. In a world where dark is bad and light is right, yellow is a little too light for me.
Pffff, it's not stupid at all. It's actually spot on! Tell me who is sluttier and why.
You can comment but you can't comment intelligently. I can comment about particle science in outer space but I will sound like an idiot because I don't know what I'm talking about, just like you sound when talking about riding.
The Barbie vs Bratz debate has always driven me crazy. The Bratz dress more Urban and Ethnic slutty then Barbie and her WASPy sluttiness. So really the argument comes down to Urban/Ethnic is worst than WASP. And then we get to the heart of the matter.