Serengetti Dove

Exactly, if you understand at all who I am you realize how I feel about my animals. If you don't get it, you don't get me. That is why relationships with other animal lovers is so much easier. My best friend is not really an animal person and some times I feel like I'm failing her as a friend but then not anymore

I would choose my horses too. I'm a love me love my pet kind of girl. If you can't handle that, you know where the door is.

I'm a 34 B or C (depending) in my 40's and people are amazed how great my boobs are. (I sunbathe topless) I never wear a bra. I do wear one of those bra top tank tops to make society happy, but that's my limit.

I don't feel stupid for a typo. I would feel stupid if I judged people for the clothes they wore.

Why are you under the impression that everyone who works, works in an office? Your argument doesn't hold any water and you just keep burying yourself deeper in BS. You judge Crocs to be too ugly. BOOHOO for you. I happen to think Sneakers are ugly and since I don't run or workout, I don't own a pair. However, more

If you can't see the fact that judging one form of shoe over another because of culturally conceived concepts of beauty is ridiculous then we really aren't even starting on the same playing field.

Really? I never said it was one or the other. But I do actually understand the cultural and historical implication of heels. Your argument reminds me of the many memoirs written by Chinese women from the era when foot binding ended. And all the arguments that women were now ugly, unladylike, unhealthy because their

Obviously you are to superficially to have an intelligent conversation with.

Hunt seat riding lessons, summer camp and B&B. It is a lot of hard work and it is all on me and pretty much 24/7 365 but I wouldn't change it for anything.

Well in the summer I don't mind if my feet get wet but I don't want to stand around in wet shoes all day, so when you paint everyone with YOUR judgmental brush you don't get the right picture do you?

They are good for your feet and are the closest to walking barefoot, which is the best for your foot, that you can get! Try walking in any of those shoes you mentioned in the water and come back to me.

I have a real job too, I own a horse farm, yep I get paid for living the dream! I also only wear shoes (unless I'm actually riding, then I wear riding boots) that can be worn across the creek, in the mud, when I bathe horses, etc etc, That means crocs in the summer, wellies in the spring and fall, and snow boots in

In my line of work, which I support myself and my family in very nice manner, I have to walk through a creek several times a day. I challenge you to do so in your shoes. When you are finished come back and tell me I've given up.

I am also going to jump on the Croc's are amazing and F you if you don't like them wagon. Especially if you're standing around in some kind of high heel stiletto European equivalent to Chinese foot binding. Just because you bought the patriarchy's bullcrap about sexy doesn't mean I have too. Comfy, healthy feet for

Could someone tell me the percentage of American women who actually get abortions? So much energy, money and attention are placed on abortion but I'm not sure if it is really that prevalent.

By the time your over 40, ease wins, and short hair is high maintenance. I'll pass.

My nieces are black, and although my friend's Mom would never say or act rudely to their face, I know her attitude towards black people, so I just can't go to her house anymore. (my niece comes along to play with friend's daughter) Which was only at holidays anyway. It's funny how racist some minorities can be toward

I totally agree.

I think it is very cultural in the US as this study shows, that Asian women are hot and Asian men are not. I don't agree with it, but I don't think it shows self-hatred on her part, just how ingrained she is in American cultural ideals of beauty.

She's been my bestfriend since we were little kids, although at this point we don't have a lot in common. She doesn't date Asian men purely because of vanity. In her opinion they just aren't good looking enough.