Serengetti Dove

My best friend is Filipina. She's in her 40's divorced and on a constant quest for love and so does a lot of on line dating. Although she prefers to date white, this is what she's concluded. 1. She won't date Asian 2. When she dates White, she usually dates down. Less intelligent, less liberal, lower paying. The

I rather twerk all day, I rather twerk naked on a stage, then take the life of an animal. I work with animals and let tell you they value their lives. The form friendships and families. They have no desire to die so you can be a glutton.

Hunting is the equivalent to the Holocaust for the animals being hunted.

I know she was trying hard for the puns, but yeah, that's a halter.

I do appreciate that Paula points out that twerking has been around for decades, as an old, I'm confused why it is so shocking to everyone.

What else would you expect from a Romney supporter.

That book is wonderful and hysterical and a bit sad.

So true, and her Umbrella video is a rip off of Paula's Crazy Cool

Well I went to India and got pissed off.

I thought Rhianna was Paula Abdul or Janet Jackson from the '80's

How boring for the Madden kids. I hope they get a 2nd Halloween with costumes that are actually fun!

My 1 god daughter got her period at 10. She is half Filipino half white. I bet she weighed 70lbs when she got her period. My other god daughter who is African American and is boarder line obese (145lb at five foot tall) is 12 and still doesn't have hers yet.

Again most Native American's don't give shit and think it's pointless to get upset about it. Most little girls dressing up like Pocahontas aren't trying to be nasty they are dressing up like their hero and fantasy.

The argument some are making that "if old people don't care, it's not ageist" doesn't really hold true. I use to live next door to the Seneca Nation in NY and their were plenty of people who could care less if you dressed as an Indian for Halloween and yet we have decided collectively that it is offensive. The same

You know she will never look like that right?

Simon Cowell acts like a man who never wanted a baby and doesn't want to be with it's mother. Oh yeah, that about sums it up.

Unless you are actually a super hero, you shouldn't be writing about super heroes.

I never said it wasn't offensive, what I said was "it isn't blackface" which it isn't. When you call something by a name that it isn't you end up demeaning the meaning of the original. Dressing up like a black person, even if you darken your skin is very different from actually blackface.

No you are not. And you dilute true blackface and it's historical implications when you say so. When calling this black face you have a generation of people who are being taught that this is what blackface is. Go study real blackface and the hard core racism that it entailed.