
Unfortunately their economy will likely not take much of a hit from antics such as this. The main driving force behind their growth is a ridiculously large populace, all of whom are used to working for pennies and in poor conditions. Although this means that on the individual scale the economy is weak, corporations

Yeah I saw a similar argument after posting this. It is a valid way out of the wastefulness of what he does, though it's based entirely on assumptions that:

When I was in grade school, I never understood the kids who did things like this. "Hmm, I'm bored. I know! I should destroy some possession of mine for a few seconds of entertainment."

Interesting argument. It is true that the money isn't exactly burned (it was transferred to the manufacturer), and I guess if he were to donate ad revenue equivalent to at least the value of the phone to charity, the disgusting wastefulness would be counteracted. However we do not know what he does with his money. In

It disgusted me as a child back in elementary school (kids smashing electronics just for the sake of it, or to get their parents to buy new ones) and it still disgusts me today. I fail to see the humor of breaking things merely for the sake of breaking them. It's probably the single greatest example of the excesses of

It's something that may become more common as the quality of phone cameras improves. The reason why most phones lack it even as an option (as it really requires no effort to implement, it's merely a matter of dumping the sensor data into a non-compressed file format) is simply because for the longest time phones have

You're actually wrong, and your comment seems kind of irrelevant considering you actually have no helpful advice ("Shoot in RAW, except you can't" :P). When it comes to image processing, non-destructive editing refers to file formats and/or processing methods that don't edit the actual source image, but rather use a

Now playing

Too the contrary, I usually handle my psychological conundrums through identification and reasoning. The goal is to distill the root cause of the particular psychological issue you're trying to deal with, and then establish a plan that resolves or at least counters said root issue. Sometimes no plan is needed and

That's New York for ya man. Up here in the Republic of Canadia the whole country would chip in to make you feel better, and you'd get a few "Soory"'s to boot :D

I found out about that option before reading this, but it's still a great tip. I love how much simpler and lightweight GIMP is over Photoshop, but the completely shitty window system used to drive me crazy. It was annoying even when it worked, but the most annoying part is how badly Windows 7 (not sure if Windows 8

First of all, this has to be the most obvious "tip" ever. I would be amazed if a first year middle school student couldn't work out the concept of net cost, let alone a college applicant.

In regards to the sex element of relationships, I wouldn't nessesarily interpret that data to mean "The more sex you have, the better the relationship". I think what's really going on is if both partners are having the RIGHT amount of sex, they're happier. Some people want more sex, some less. I think what puts stress

I like both cats and dogs. In my experience dogs are more loving, expressive animals, whereas cats are more mysterious, intriguing animals. Dog behavior on a rudimentary level is similar to ours (they obey similar basic social constructs, and are also much more able to learn our verbal and non-verbal languages, due to

I would heavily emphasize the "CAN lessen or resolve with age". The long term prognosis has found to be that about 30-50% of cases persist into adulthood (…). All too often I hear from doctors and people "Oh it's just a phase that people grow out of". I would emphasize that

Enough with the cleanses. They do nothing. You do not need to be cleansed, your kidneys and liver do that for you.

Want an even bigger mindblow? Very rarely, a "fetus-like structure" can form inside a terotoma. In essence, an infant clone of yourself. Food for thought.

Keep an open mind when it comes to oils, there are many others out there, some of which are actually much better than olive oil for most purposes. For frying, olive oil is actually not really ideal (though still healthier than frying in butter, which has a verrry low smoke-point, and as such is completely unsuitable

I wish sex only lasted 7 minutes for me. I often go for 30 minutes+ and often end up just giving up for the sake of my partner. And I am in no way bragging, it's truly annoying. Long stints are fun occasionally, but it ends up making sex a lot of work when they're not a choice :P

While it's disgusting that this kind of surveillance goes on, what's even more disgusting is the general lack of understanding of how America's own government works by it's people. Whenever some government scandal comes up, the first reaction always seems to be "This is why we need to replace x President with y".