
I've found in my experience, that the simplest hangover precaution/solution is to drink a bottle of powerade/gatorade and have a small snack before passing out/going to bed. It's not the best advice to tell people to just drink lots of water, dehydration is part of a hangover, but drinking water on its own tends to

The suggestion to drink water to prevent a hangover is true to a point, however the amount you drink should depend on various factors (how much alcohol to water there is in your drinks, consumption of salty foods or not, etc). Drinking tons of water needlessly can cause a loss of electrolytes which will in turn

The problem with a lot of the Anti-GMO drama is that common argument against it is the implication that genetically modifying something is inherently bad and unhealthy. I suspect this is just a modern evolution of the older and very prevalent thought that synthetically created chemicals are bad, or that natural

He invested in AMD in the 90's and didn't do well? Him not pulling out his investment at the right time was the problem, not that he didn't invest in any one stock. AMD underwent sudden massive growth around 2000, as a result of great R&D that produced a product (the Athlon series CPU) that could compare to it's

ROM/rooted users will definitely be able to bypass this, there's no question there. It'll probably something that can be done on the command level with sufficient privileges, no coding required.

Depends on the phone. Some have plenty of storage space, some don't (most new ones do, I mean, the latest "low-end phone", the Moto G, is better than my "old" Galaxy S2). Further confounding the issue is some users lack of understanding of where their things are stored by default on their phone. Some apps that

I did lol!

Just fine is a pretty gross overstatement. She lost the ability to move, speak, and breath on her own, and had to gradually "re-learn" those abilities over a period of months. Here's an example of the language she's capable of as of 2014:

Just because a bullet passes through certain parts of the brain does not mean they become entirely disabled. It depends on a lot of factors, but it's not entirely uncommon for function to those areas to be restored gradually assuming the wound wasn't fatal. Obviously there'll be some sort of deficit, but I wouldn't

I'm sure most of the bitcoins stolen were those in escrow. Most people probably were too scared to cache coins in their SR wallets after the first SR bust.

As someone who used to suffer from social anxiety (and I'm still a little nervous around new people, but it's manageable), I can tell you that most of that shame and embarassment is either entirely within your own mind, or amplified by it. I used to obsess about what people were thinking of me, if they thought I was

I've also found many specialists to be very flexible in the amount and timing of repayment. Many will at least agree to a payment plan so you can gradually pay rather than take a huge hit all at once. Quite often they can take a little off the cost if you're in a tight financial situation and the procedures are very

I may be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that America has fairly similar wait times for specialists. Awaiting OHIP (or whichever depending on the province) approval is usually the shortest part of waiting for treatment. In fact, usually OHIP doesn't take very long at all, in most cases approval/disapproval is pretty

Perhaps for you sex is so private people should not discuss it outside of darkened rooms of medical school, but most of North American society (which this website caters too), have long since gotten over the notion that people shouldn't talk about sex outside the bedroom. That's not to say that everyone's happy to

I agree that out of courtesy, measurements should be in both metric and imperial. I mean, it's to the benefit of both parties, it makes recipes more accessible to a wider audience. For example, pulling out my phone and using google's measurement converter (which is way faster than doing the calculations myself, but

He stole it. And now he'll pretend that he's "with everyone" and get everything running again, wait until people have dumped bitcoins into the system, and do it again, and probably bow out claiming "I can't support something that's being used to steal".

I love how he has shielded his cat's mind as well, so as to prevent it from being used as the tool of his undoing, at the hands of our cold-hearted NSA overlords :D

Most of the scaling filters are pretty terrible I've found. Almost all of them butcher lines (warping previously straight lines), and produce the overall appearence that someone just applied gaussian blur to the whole image. Text becomes more difficult to read, animations become muddy looking, it just looks bad.

Simply, "Argue, don't fight." Argueing is just debating a point. Things can get heated, but ideally don't devolve into ad hominem character assassinations. Children can then learn conflict resolution skills. Obviously fighting does the opposite and teaches them to attack the person rather than the point, which of

I was a kid who had assembled his own computer for the first time, and was asked to assemble one for the family by my father and step mother. I ordered all of the parts on their dime, and put it all together. Turned it on for the first time, and "BANG!", with a puff of smoke it died before it ever truly lived. What