
The troll is strong with this thread.

This chart is pretty shitty. It's main problem is it oversimplifies things, and it's got some things swapped around, some classified as strong when there actually is not a lot of evidence supporting them, etc. For example, Zinc has actually not been reliably shown to affect cold recovery at all, my understanding is

I have had mild social anxiety that seemed to emerge during my high school years. It's difficult to tell whether the fact I shelled up for most of high school for no explainable reason (I was socialable in elementary, but barely socialized during high school) caused this mild social anxiety, or whether something else

I take it about as far as not giving a fuck about people judging your own personal choices that ultimately really only affect you. This includes hair style, taste in music, whether I go out with friends one night or pass, etc.

I love the neutral sound for it's cost effectiveness. Quality neutral headphones tend to make most songs sound pretty damn good. Some headphones are better suited for some genres, like while I wouldn't want boomy bass for "Four Seasons" by Mozart, I would for Kanye West's "Power". And yes, I just compared the two in

Buy the ATH-M50s. Don't even question it. They're an amazing pair of headphones, perfectly neutral sound (nice tight popping bass instead of over the top booming bass, crystal clear highs, etc). They're considered by many to be the best in the $150~ price range, let alone $90.

Since when did we start calling websites "webapps". It seems a little pretentious.

I understand thinking anal sex is gross. It is pretty gross (note that gay people tend to maintain a more rigorous cleanliness down/up there because of that, at least prior to sex if possible). The odd part of your statement is that you think gay people are gross because of that. You never have to see or touch a gay

I haven't heard of any mass exodus from uTorrent. Complaints? Sure. But the core features are still there, it still does a good job, respects the torrent standard (unlike a few other popular clients which do things against the standard, such as allowing the PRIVATE flag to be ignored). The ads introduced were a minor

Why the fuck would you decide which application to use based on it's icon? VLC is a great piece of software, it is one of the few large, versatile, entirely self-contained media players out there, and it's not filled with crapware. The only reason to use other players is if you want to use system codecs for some

This is an old wives tale. It's been debunked by several cooking blogs; potatoes simply aren't very absorbent, and even if they were, the alleged mechanism would not selectively draw salt in, but rather all surround fluids. So even if it worked, the amount you'd have to put in to consistently reuptake the salt would

I wasn't advocating people doing nothing :P I was advocating teaching people a safer, more effective technique than one that has persistently been pushed on the public by an egotistical man with a background of making fraudulent medical recommendations, and for using money from his foundation to block the advance of

The Heimlich Maneuver really shouldn't be the go-to for choking. Most medical organizations have stopped recommending it's use due to the fact it easily causes internal injuries and that back blows have been found to be more effective. The reason it's so well known is thanks to the efforts of Henry Heimlich, who is

If the items in question are vanilla enough they could be considered gifts, then you shouldn't be embarrased buying them, because the cashier certainly doesn't give a fuck. If they are actually potentially embarassing (i.e dildos, STD meds, etc), they are either ungiftable (who gives crabs medication to people :P) or

How is this a "powerful CLI program"? It's just an interface for a couple of APIs. He wrote about 43 lines of code that just plug various inputs and outputs into each other. I do agree with your sentiment though.

It's 43 lines of code because it's literally just a simple interface for Microsoft and Google's APIs. He didn't really code anything a first year student couldn't have.

Well it's certainly feasible for the display controller to disable unused pixels if a lower resolution is set, it would be a fairly simple thing to implement in firmware. The only reason it doesn't exist is that most people would never use it, and it would be weird to market.

So creating panic and murder was in good taste pre-911?

Proxy, SSH tunnel, VPN.

In a nutshell, Apple devices tend to be easier to use, more reliable (software-wise), and I've really liked the design of a few of the recent devices. Due to the degree of which iOS is locked down and regulated by Apple, it's pretty rare to see any kind of software problem, aside from the occasional bug. Android on