
I suspect this is the soft way Bravo introduces Bugsy as Hannah’s replacement for next season. 

1982. I am 13. I am playing fast pitch softball, 3rd base. My dad has coached me in previous years, but this year I am on a team where my dad’s good friend was the coach, so all is well. I remember this like yesterday.

But you gotta admit it’s pretty on-brand to shoot this video in a building where many of the builders were never paid for their work.

a long thread of chris d’elia hitting on, raping, and blackmailing young women, many who were underage

I too climbed for many years, primarily bouldering, but a little sport and trad here and there. I lost one of my closest friends because he messed up his rigging. He took a fall on a diagonal section of a trad climb and slammed his shoulder into the wall hard enough that he was in serious pain and couldn’t continue.

They have “no place” in the Republican Party for the same reason I have “no place” in my house for new kitchen gadgets; all the available space is full of the shit I already have.

I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...

It’s 2020, he could have hit him up on the phone. Instead, he’s negating the good this dude did on Twitter and to the Post. Get real man lol.

Just imagine if he’d been this responsive about covid.

“No offense to electoral politics, but—actually, wait. No. Full offense to electoral politics!!!! Telling people to respond to state-sponsored racist violence by registering to vote so that they can participate in an election five months from now is fucking useless, Gagá!”

Seriously. What the hell is going on with this site? Gaga is looking at the big picture. What a fucked up thing to criticize right now — you can support the Minnesota Freedom Fund *and* register to vote.

The protests and riots are short-term. Voting has long-term consequences. Maybe don’t police people’s reactions, or know that there’s several things that can be done (and none of them are wrong), but don’t be so short-sighted.

Yeah, about that “random Target”:

Shields prompted her followers to “explain that supporting Trump does not make you racist”

This is the pissing contest I’ve been waiting for!

I’m totally doxxing myself with this story but whatever. My worst roommate inspired an episode of Law and Order SVU. She was assigned to me my freshman year of college based on some questionnaire we had to fill out during the summer. To this day I am disturbed that some computer algorithm though we would be a good

Nobody has died yet, but I’m not optimistic.

PSA for almost every single employee: your company is not a ‘family,’ even if management likes to say that it is, and they won’t treat you as such when the chips are down. I tell this to my younger team members when necessary: the company looks out for itself, and you should look out for yourself. This isn’t bad, it

I got diagnose with terminal cancer. My best friend of 20+ years dropped me after a year. Said she didn’t have time to be my friend any more. Said she would still call me to check in occasionally. That was 6 months ago and I haven’t heard from her. All I expected from her was 1-2 phone calls a month and maybe 1-2