
Ughhhh...Congrats on your new baby. I’m sure you’ve already tried ALLL the things re: breastfeeding, but I found that nipple shields were a game changer for me. They trained my son to latch better and protected my nipples from being mauled for the first few weeks and holy shit that was necessary. That said, if pumping

Pain at the top of the bump, esp where they kick you is something that I’ve had before. Also it could be from your organs shifting higher since the baby is bigger. Yayyy pregnancy. I spent my first pregnancy in extreme stress ( due to a tenant in the building basically fucking with us constantly) and my son is pretty

Also...the white woman was a GUEST. have an actual member telling you that there is a guest harassing them and your response is to offer to buy the member a lunch? No thanks.

It depends. Hopefully they are able to tell in this case but some of the mitigating factors could be decomposition or if the body is badly burned (which I know, they recanted). So I guess we’ll just have to wait to see what the prosecution provides as far as evidence. 

Oh, yes, 100% agree. I’m not saying that I think she’s innocent either. None of the articles have really addressed the skull fractures ( like you said) nor the other evidence that could point to whether or not the baby was born alive. Sorry you got the pile on. 

I agree, I would hope that they know the answers to those questions and are willing to share them in court. But I’m unwilling to pass my judgement on her without more evidence. I think about the older cases where so many people were charged with shaken baby syndrome, only to find out later that the babies did not die

I could be wrong, since clearly there is not a whole lot of detail in this article, but the skull fractures could have come from burying the body. If you’re using a shovel to do the burying, it’s logical to think that you might end up creating those fractures post-mortem. 

2 petty dealbreakers!

Remember to take all the things. They can’t reuse anything they let you use so definitely ask for the open diaper packages, baby bath tub, whatever they offer/use! Also air freshner is a good addition and lip balm. DON’T DO WHAT I DID AND PUT YOUR HAIR IN A PONYTAIL! Braid that shit now so that it’s not a matted mess

I just cried reading about WATCHING the scene. That moment is just so cemented to me to equal the deepest and purest form of love. I’ll just be here leaking for the next hour while thinking about it. 

A friend told me the story of a groom who went out for his bachelor party two nights before the wedding. Somehow the groom either fell or got punched in the face right above his eye and it swelled up really big. The groom, being hella wasted, was convinced by one of his friends to relieve the swelling by cutting it

No way! I’d def marry Shep (without a prenup) for the money, do Craig and kill Austen (the gossiper). 

I went back to this guy’s apartment, it was our third date, in Carroll Gardens and he had told me about how it’s still very old school Italian. We get to his place, which was quite nice, and when he pulls vodka out of his freezer he showed me that that’s also where he keeps a stash of cash. He said it was so he could

This, I’ve also said before that it was totally fucked up the way she turned on Stassi and Kristen when they tried to warn her about Ariana’s brother Jeremy being lech-y. I appreciated the fact that Bravo showed clips of him being drunk and grabby during the Tom-Katie wedding just to drive the fact home that they were

BIRTHDAY CAKE Bluebell foreverrrr!

AND she tried to sell the cancer scam juice with him! Remember when they were talking about him going into remission and they wore those special “juice” t-shirts claiming that it made him better? She was DEFINITELY in on it but once she realized that someone ( aka Megan) was actually going to call her/him out on it,

July of 2017 I was pregnant with my son and we planned to do one last car camping vacation in Northern California right by the Oregon border. I had agreed to do this camping trip on the condition that we used an air mattress and try to make it as comfortable as possible while sleeping in a tent in nature. We started

He literally said those words and caveated it with calling Warren a good friend. But the implication is VERY clear from his direct words. He feels that the reason she is catching up is because she’s a woman and younger. Which doesn’t acknowledge ANY of her actual substance. The meaning behind that can be clearly read

Right, how could I forget that it was the establishment’s fault that he got millions of votes less than Hillary during the primary and how the people who voted for him should have greater weight than POC in the South. 

I mean...this is kinda his MO. If anyone is doing better than him (especially a woman), his default is to assume and say it’s because of gender bias. It’s one of the many reasons he is someone I do not support.