
I legitimately only found Beyonce in that picture by a process of elimination.

Yeah, I just don't agree with those examples. MOST music producers sell music in objectifying ways. I didn't say it would be easy to find it, I said it wasn't impossible if you are committed to the cause.

To clarify: I totally agree that Michael Vick was deserving of his punishment. I also think that one instance of incredibly violent domestic abuse (his wife seriously could have died) is as egregious, if not more egregious than facilitating dog fighting. So we are in agreement on Michael Vick for sure.

I'm sorry but no, none of those analogies work. For each example you cited, while there are a number of organizations, industry executives and individuals that work against the interests of women, there are examples of organizations ,executives and individuals that don't. You wouldn't need to boycott music, you would

I mean yeah, it can be tough. And you can still keep supporting it, if that's what you want to do. But supporting it means that you are supporting the continuation of harmful stereotypes and problematic tropes and that as long as you do that, those things will continue to exist. Literally, they can't end if people

Yeah, probably would. I don't support Disney (or Marvel, really) and I'm doing alright on fun— so it's not impossible. I'll admit that I don't avoid Marvel as systematically avoid Disney— but I don't think there's much Marvel-related stuff in my life.

Great (and agreed), can someone write this about Disney (Aladdin and Pocahontas, I'm looking at you) now too?

Just stepping in to say that being a professional athlete might mean that you have a higher tolerance for sustained pain, but that doesn't mean that things don't hurt just as much as they hurt other people. It might just mean that you are used to feeling physical pain of an acute nature on a regular basis, and other

I think you can say there is no excuse and be pissed even if you understand that people make mistakes. Most people are saying they are upset and there is no excuse, butmost people are NOT also saying they are going to boycott his movies or calling for him to retire from acting. There isn't an excuse for what he said.

Honest question here for all of the "knee jerk reaction" defenders on this post: Is there any other kind of slur that someone could use that we would defend in this way? I hear you that sometimes when people feel threatened they go for the most impactful weapon in their arsenal, but I can't help but think that if he

As for your first point, I get that you don't trust the statistics and I can't (and don't care to) prove them to you. My larger point was that even without an exact statistic, it's widely accepted tha the occurrence of false accusations is really really low.

Sorry, I don't know what this means.

I feel like you just spelled out the thing that everyone is missing while they get up in arms about false accusations:

It's probably true that if this became a huge trend where dozens or hundreds of names were being written down, and dozens or hundreds of individuals were writing the names (rather than the two or three rightfully fed up and pissed off students) that a person or two may be falsely accused. Statistics, they're out

Or she could go the route of acknowledging how much she still subscribes to those beauty standards in her own appearance, and include lyrics that more explicitly address that inconsistency. Or she could use the video to reinforce positive attitudes about people who don't look like her by including conventionally

That's not exactly what I said. I didn't say that Beyonce couldn't talk about beauty standards and work to undermine them— it's just incredibly difficult to undermine a problematic framework when you are maybe one of the top 100 people in the world who are benefiting most from said framework. These aren't direct

I feel like people are going to come at you with accusations of you being a "yonce hater" but I had this exact reaction to both the song lyrics and video. I think that Beyonce is allowed to recognize the flaws in the American beauty standard. I appreciate that she wants to send a positive message about how fucked up

Real talk: I think Jezebel has called out both Brittney Spears and Katy Perry in the last week. Katy Perry for sure is not their favorite person.

Good point.

Nope. Maybe scroll through some of these other responses—particularly the ones that are accurate in saying they cited "fragility of the victim" as a reason to not pursue further legal action.