As a tragic mulatto that is currently surviving this cruel cruel world, I'm just going to go out on a limb and say, the kids will be alright and if they aren't it won't be just because their parents were different races.
As a tragic mulatto that is currently surviving this cruel cruel world, I'm just going to go out on a limb and say, the kids will be alright and if they aren't it won't be just because their parents were different races.
I agree with you about feeling conflicted and I don't think that came off in my initial comment. The song is funny, and it's catchy and given what you said about the history of the use of the word cunt in black queer communities in the 80's maybe they don't mean it how I am interpreting it, but it's undeniable that…
Wait, why am I gray?
So it would be one thing if they were using the word cunt in positive terms and people tried to justify it as re-appropriation of the word, but Levonia is described as being so so so cunt because he is a hot mess and wears a terrible weave. This isn't like a "cunt power" anthem, it's like the equivalent of what…
My review included the sentence "The south will rise again." So your husband and I can make a club.
"Please note that your review may take up to 72 hours to appear." Aww man. Well hopefully my review is up soon.
This is a great idea. I'm on it.
I had heard surprisingly good things about it— that's why we decided to go. But it was basically a string of dick jokes, mixed with "funny" sex scenes, and "omg I'm forty and old" moments. There was no real plot to speak of and after a while the jokes just couldn't stand on their own. The best part of the movie was…
Just saw This is 40 with my mom. I want those two hours of my life back so I can go see Django Unchained. We went to the theater planning on seeing Django Unchained, but changed our minds and thought we'd see something funny instead. Such a bad, misguided mistake.
Birthday is tomorrow and for the first time in years I'm really not excited about it. Just graduated and moved back to the midwest, leaving my boyfriend of 3 years and my best friends out east. Working at an okay job that I really don't give any fucks about until I can apply to grad school in January and hear back in…
I've heard of some people having both of their parents walking them down the aisle together, and thinking about it as more of symbolism of leaving one family and starting another. You won't really be able to change how other people might think of it, but at least with both parents the man giving you to another man…
Are you a Yalie by chance?
Did they mention an endorsement of Rahm's brashness? I thought they were just responding with a counterpoint to the assertion that one can't critique Lewis on her demeanor. I agree that Lewis' demeanor is open to critique, but her body isn't (and I don't have much privilege to check)— I think that was what they were…
As much as I agree that families should be allowed to do what works from them, I think criticism of the Duggars' lifestyle goes hand in hand with making thousands of dollars from being on television. They opened themselves up to critique and debate. I don't think that we have to automatically love and agree with…
Cross-posted from Groupthink because I can't tell where more people are hanging out tonight.
I just spent the last ten minutes wikipedia-ing botulism. I'm so so sad. And regretting eating two jars of pickles last night. PLEASE GOD DON'T LET ME HAVE POISONED MYSELF.
You should do it! I'm no gourmet chef but I love pickles and the satisfaction of making them myself was delicious.
PICKLE SUCCESS! My round two of homemade pickles with cucumbers from the farmers market was a serious success. I doubled the garlic, added peppercorns and kept the smaller cucumbers whole. These suckers are crunchy and delicious. Can't wait to buy more cucumbers next week.
I really wish I could un-watch that clip. Like really.
I've been reading/hearing a lot of support for any women politicians lately based on the fact that they're women. People aren't saying they are going to vote for them, but they're saying that it's nice to see women represented in positions of respect and power. Okay, maybe a TINY FRACTION of their existence is good,…