George Glass

Did you mom like it? I was trying to figure out if my mom would like it (she’s in her mid seventies, not a fantasy or super hero fan.)

I loved Ironman 3. Ironman 2 is Marvel’s biggest stinker for me. Different strokes!

Makes you wonder how much Man of Steel or especially Batman vs. Superman could’ve made if they were actually good. (Less so “Man of Steel” I suppose as there’s been several Superman movies, removing some of the excitement, but still.)

“Wonder Woman is a wonder created solely by a woman.”

Yeesh. Yes, definitely.

But unlike what the misleading article headline says about banning cultural appropriation, I don’t know that the resolution would actually do that. They are trying to “combat the exploitation of indigenous intellectual property and patents.” That seems a good thing.

I also felt Harris did run kind of a vague in the details campaign because (a) she and Sanchez had the same position on many (most?) things and that would become clear if she got more detailed and (b) she was the favorite so it was less risky to get specific. I could see how people would find this annoying.

If she’s in the Senate for 8 years I fear it’ll be really hard to be elected. Being there forces you to take some bad votes eventually, and speak more and more guardedly over time (and no way you can run as an outsider.)

In an article arguing for enormous amounts of additional money be spent on the Navy you don’t think its important to explain WHY the need for a strategic forward presence and a show of strength? That’s the part you feel we should research on our own? Huh.

I find Spotify reception through my Android phone, well, spotty, which is frustrating. Anyone have advice on fixing this? (Song stop -- pause -- and then continue a few seconds later.)

How does the Amazon Prime music library compare to their premium one and how does that compare to Spotify? Also, I think Amazon has some audible books? That seems a selling point.

Bill seems to think he’s this bad boy who can say whatever he wants (so edgy!), not realizing he often just sounds like a jackass these days (or worse.)

They will use the tiny, tiny, tiny amount of voter fraud to justify widespread voter suppression. Conservative media will get people into a panic about it even more than before. And people of color will have their votes suppressed even more so that Republicans can retain power despite changing demographics and the

These kind of moves make us all less safe, but especially the undocumented. Undocumented people who are victims of crimes (think robberies, rape, assault), will now not go to the police to report what’s happened and the criminals will be free to continue to make life worse for both citizen and undocumented alike (and

That’s what you took from the post? Wow.

Jezebel should try to interview the women Trump allegedly paid to have abortions when he got them pregnant. No doubt they had to sign NDA’s so it won’t be easy, but maybe can still be found and want to talk? They should certainly only be named if they choose to be.

This to show that he was okay with an abortion when

Thank you so much! A great list!

He does. Just not “I Write the Songs”. Which was written by Bruce Johnston.

What do you read from Image? I’d love recommendations please (other than Saga, of course.)

Did you read the Cap storyline? (Still going.) It’s been really well done. It’s not that the character suddenly woke up one day and became racist by choice.