So when Trump pisses off Ryan and the impeachment investigation begins can the government take Trump’s hotels?
So when Trump pisses off Ryan and the impeachment investigation begins can the government take Trump’s hotels?
Here she is spreading the birther lie (years back.)...
I have mixed feelings about the media publishing the details of private emails, even if they didn’t hack themselves. Kind of feel it should be seen as off limits unless it shows a politician broke the law. Eventually we will all be hacked and do we want to make it okay for others to look?
Maybe not “evil” but lacking in empathy for others and a bully of the first order. His actions (the ban) have already torn apart families, and he may get us into a war (possibly nuclear.)
That’s true. There might not be that many comedies that studios get behind with female leads, even with a star as popular as she is. They’re not making as many big comedies in general, as comic book movies and sci-fi are easier to sell internationally (and merchandise.)
She is also lip synching throughout almost the entire performance (not a criticism, just how it’s done), with a few exceptions. It’s not like she can go on a rant about Trump.
“We know that Donald Trump spends every Saturday night glued to the television, fuming into his fast food containers as the cast of SNL gleefully lambastes him.”
You can always say you’re from Canada. But not Montreal if you don’t speak French.
I do wish she’d be more selective with what movies she picks, but she’s a sketch comedy goddess. I hope she comes back more often.
I’m just bummed we didn’t get her in time for the Golden Globes. That usually brings out Nikki at her over-the-top nastiest.
That makes sense. Keep up the good work!
That’s awesome. Also, keep track if protests are more effective than a few hours of phone calls to Reps as some are saying it is.
I looked over the page. Definitely interesting. But I don’t see where the Dems refused to even hold a hearing (that is, I don’t where they did nothing in response to a nomination, so as to let time of the current president’s term end so that they could fill the seat with their party’s choice.). What am I missing?
Great piece. Thanks for posting. I won’t use the caveat next time!
I was trying to show I wasn’t blind to her negatives, to avoid getting trolled for saying I think she’s amazing, but maybe I’ve been made too sensitive of my support of her. Good point!
She’s an amazing (and yes, flawed) woman and we need her strong voice now more than ever. I hope does not go gently into that good night.
You’re right. The Constitution says that unless the Senate gives advice and consent a nominee can’t be appointed, but it doesn’t actually require the Senate to do anything in response to the nomination. It’s always been assumed that they will respond.