George Glass

Good, horrifying, article. I’d just point out that there is a chance of at least derailing the Devos nomination. Two Republicans, so far, have showed some wavering. Get the people on it, Ellie!

And of course what does it say about Judge Gorsuch’s commitment to the Constitution if he’s willing to accept the nomination knowing the complete ignoring of the Constitution that just took place so that a position was available for him, and that his taking the position will solidify.

“ you into the underbelly of the tabloid industry to tell you which celebrity couples are fake...”

I don’t think this really helps things. He needs to be fought back on policy. Show why the issues he supports/enforces are bad for voters. This feels petty and personal and if it’s a battle of personal attacks the bully will win.

You make a good point. But can we blame Trump and his fear rhetoric for the mosque that was burned in Texas this weekend hours after his new anti-Muslim Executive Order was signed?

That sounds a lot like child abuse. If it is, these people should be prosecuted.

“This is not about religion—this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”

Our nation is doing a terrible thing, but you can support groups that do the opposite.

Did MSNBC cut back Melissa Harris Perry’s hours on air to make way for Brian Williams? I thought they were two unrelated events. I could be totally wrong, though,

It also makes it less likely that undocumented women who are in an abusive relationship will go to the police for help.

If you want to make watching “The Mary Tyler Moore” show feel more progressive (transgressive?), imagine her as still being Laura Petrie. A Laura Petrie who got tired of being a mom and housewife so abandoned her family, changed her name, forged a resume and papers, and moved to Minneapolis. She’s got spunk all right!

Great piece. Marry Tyler Moore should be celebrated from the rooftops, both for her talent and the profound positive effect she had in making our country more equal.

I think viability is tricky as, like you say, it can change due to technology. We may one day reach a point where we create an entirely artificial womb so that the cells that exist the moment after conception, that could one day be a baby, could survive an entire incubation period without being in a natural womb.

I have mixed feelings about assuming someone who settled their case is guilty, but I do very much think it’s brave of her to write this and she brought up a part of the “are we honoring the artist or the art?” argument I hadn’t thought of too much before: if it’s a great performance it’s still there whether or not we

You can’t legally destroy a fetus after a certain point unless the life of the mother is at stake. No one is arguing for an abortion at 8 months if there is no life threatening need.

Of course we have to be vigorous. So we have picked a time to allow abortion that most feel is significantly before the period we would call it a baby or a human that is entitled to equal human rights. Picking such an early point removes the need to have a definite date.

Now playing

It is arbitrary. It has to be unless you go with the moment of conception. While there may no be a difference in how alive an 8 month old in the womb is compared to a baby that was born prematurely of the same age, there is clearly a difference between the moment of first heartbeat and an 8 month old fetus. Hence, we

My apologies. I’ll go check it out!

Do you feel publicly shaming the women in the photo was a good way to go? (Finding a moment where they look particularly clueless and posting it online?) I think it’s pretty awful and cruel. Not helpful at all. It feels like what the old Gawker would do, and sad to see it.