

What an extraordinarily uninformed post. St. Patrick's day is a real holiday that Irish American families really enjoy making a big deal out of, and have been for a long time. It's a time to appreciate your heritage, and to appreciate what your relatively recent ancestors have contributed to the development American

Ya know, I dated a guy who was around 52 months older than me for several years. Probably started around when I was 16 and he was 19 until I was about age 23 or 24. It didn't work out. (read: I ran screaming from the relationship once I found myself financially stable after college)

They really need to do a commercial depicting what people actually use 5-hour energy for – keeping your energy levels high while furiously binge drinking. It works like. a. charm. for boys and girls alike. Great for St. Patrick's day, spring break, and Memorial Day Weekend.

While its the wrong approach to bring awareness to the hardships of teen pregnancy/motherhood, however this is pretty much in line with the rest of the NYC Dept. of Health's ad campaigns. It works better for their other topics, but shaming is definitely a big part of the ads angle. Other recent topics were obesity,

World Star Hip Hop videos are the best. If this was just another YT vid, I would have passed it up, but this was great...the hiphopification of the Bauuer track is pretty dope.

Is this too cheap a shot? Do I care?

Christ, that entire piece (the linked piece) reads like it was written by a fucking 10th best. I can't believe that clown is about to get a degree in the english language from an accredited university.

There are actual charts in this book that will tell you exactly how much time you should allow to pass before responding to a text message, based entirely on your age. It's crazytown, and these should have been highlighted for ridicule in this article.

The article isn't so much about this woman's suicide, but about the mainstream media narrative surrounding it. The NYC papers have been all over it for the last two days, exactly because of the reasons mentioned in the article.

The interesting point you make here is why this particular jumper made headlines. There is probably a jumping suicide close to every single day in NYC (if you follow twitter accounts like @NYC911 and @911BUFF this is not news to you), but this one did have a victim with a story and a look that could have been pulled

Its posted through the telegraph link up top probs.

Commenting on this comment so it goes to the top because it is so unbelievably upsetting in its lack of understanding that this is a satire. The last sentence of this post only has like, 60% real english words in it. The other ones are ur, iz, and ded.

Yea. Honestly..its not the distance more than just a total lifestyle shift. I've got things going on down here, man!

Well said. :D

To the last one - invite them. I am your friends who stayed in the city, basically - I moved away from where I grew up, literally the first non-NYC city you hit when you go north from the Bronx, and I almost never, ever go back there unless I'm explicitly invited for a thing.

"Personally, my fiancé is horrible at the cooking and the housekeeping so I usually do all that stuff."

If you have children old enough to go to school, they better be doing shit like helping clean the bathroom, emptying the dishwasher (get real, its not like there is ANYTHING breakable in your kitchen anyway), making their own fucking beds, and definitely setting the table, and CLEANING IT UP.

That J-Lo cover looks like an unfortunate but totally spot on face mash-up between Jennifer Lopez and her nemesis, Jennifer Garner.

Girls couldn't possibly keep up with the fun, fast pacing of the ridiculously vacant but fun-to-watch shows of the WB/CW