
David, The link to the fact-check is bad.

That’s why you always dry your car after washing it.....

Hey, you asked... I’m not here to pat you on the back for undercutting logic for the sake of pursing your social agenda of the day. If you think you have your shit so well put together that you can’t be bothered to engage dissent, then you’ve already validated what was in “the rest.” 

It is a literal response to: “...most (maybe all) the dementia commentary I’ve read about this has been very ageist and insulting to people with dementia.” 

Plus there is room to cation a thought bubble on the head in the foreground....

He didn’t need to. He made comments after one was investigation was closed. He isn’t making similar comments on the one that is open. That’s all there is to it. The problem with his questioning and later statement is that they sound nothing alike. McCain was trying to ask Comey if the Russia investigation was

Are people with dementia aware enough to be insulted? 

He probably won’t be invited back.....

He might as well have just been yelling “Has anyone seen my teeth? I left them in a glass of water!” for his entire line of questioning.

If corporations are people, and protected speech is money, then the mechanism of speech is irrelevant. The limiting of it is.

If it distracts him from pissing off any more of our allies, breaking treaties, and generally preventing him from doing harm to the country until a real leader is elected, then yes. Absolutely!

“I rubbed epsom salts on my junk and I am impotent”

I bet you think mimes are just quiet clowns too.....

There is another possibility. The FCC took it’s own site down and claims falsely, that it was an outside attack.

There are dozens of dead comics I would like to have seen in that job. Not all of them because they would be good... Imagine what a train wreck the show would have been with George Carlin, Carlos Mencia(might as well be dead at this point in his career...), or Chris Farley at the helm.

Nah. It’s more like distaste at someone bragging that they got to split a milkshake one time with Subway Jared....

“the labrador retriever of late night network television”

Someone needs to start selling projection protest kits and get this mainstreamed.

Or someone who read the story of Hostess shutting down after they were forced to union concessions they couldn’t afford.