
And you didn’t make friends with people who had multiple 0's in their number.

“3. Is my friends actually stupid?”

I don’t live in California, so I fail to see why this should concern me.

What if I’m the leader of the free world and I get a surprise package from a place that rhymes with Mussia containing hookers that have to pee?

You could also kick me some campaign funds when I get set up for campaigning in 2018 for U.S. Senate :-D

The problem is most of them won’t act against him as long as they think they might be able to get their own partisan bills through or make a profit from his reckless deregulation while he’s in charge. Greed and power will always trump good sense.

Bernie is still a U.S. Senator and still has a job to do.

The most effective way to keep her out of schools is to put her on the sex offender list..... Just Sayin...

He was probably afraid Trump would grab his junk.

I hadn’t noticed. I’m also not living in Best Korea.....

The Gentrification of New Zealand has begun...

Imagine what it takes to give Trump a prostate exam....

Everyone seems to be focused on same scale or macro scale cannibalism. Your body cannibalizes itself all of the time, moreso when you start working out.

My guess would be HTC and Valve know ;)

My brain read “big groups laughing and joking around white people “...

Maybe it’s because people are buying HTC Vive instead.....

While we are at it, let’s bring back jobs lost to the automobile industry: horse drawn carriages. Not only would it create jobs for carpenters and blacksmiths, we can all enjoy the thought of you stuck driving behind one in the left lane on the freeway.....

What did that have to do with whether or not the current administration knows where the light switches are?