
That’s a hollow threat. The political backlash from all of the jobs lost and hit that economies would take would make messing with any of those companies political suicide.

That won’t work. The optimal location for launches is on or near the equator.

The US can barely get its shit together to send rovers. It would be a hard sell to send the FBI to Mars to take your claim.

Start pumping billions into the economy and those wars will evaporate.

These are all kind of pointless since the receiver can still take a screenshot....

“they are investigating the crash as a possible derailment.” Possibile? Unless the rails just up and decided to move to the side, how is anything else possible?

I’d wager they are going to wait till the Avenger’s movie to reveal the actual last stone or both.

A few episodes of Babylon 5 got me as well.

The real challenge for VW will be finding a way to misrepresent the capabilities of an electric car. Will they list the wattage according to the telecom definition? Perhaps the volts will be measured in aboriginal australian scales? 

I hope this article gets updated. We all need to see the prolapse....

I bet this was the most organized luggage they’d ever seen....

If I was a tech Billionaire, I’d do pretty much the same thing, however I’d start with a station near the asteroid belt and mine for resources there to set up orbital stations around each planet first.

It’s the only way to stop the furries from sexting mickey mouse.....

Story was good, headline was clickbait and technically incorrect.

Meh. Wake me when they don’t have sides or tops and bottoms either.....

Apple didn’t introduce the smartphone. They were around for a few years before apple got into the phone business. If anyone should get credit for what we now consider to be smartphones, it would be Microsoft in PocketPC form released before the iphone 1 was even announced.

Also to the U.S..

Who put him on death row in the first place. Outrage, I say!

In order for that to be an impact, more people would need to leave than are being born. A mars colony would not be able to absorb that many people for a long, long time.