
I’m disappointed the solution didn’t include kicking the hardware.

Those don’t look like eyes atoll....

“but the real star wars Bond” I think you mean “was.”

But can it make your iPhone float?

No engine update, no subscription cash.

No reality shows. Ever. Anymore.

Actually the gameplay mechanics in the original game were fine. The problem was that the Devs had painted themselves into a corner with the way that npc and monster difficulty scaled to player abilities and could only think to implement a level based system on top of the skill system to fix it. That was the beginning

Taco Bell you say?

What? No Tactical Thong?

Bet that will wake you up quick on a cold morning...

Imagine a giant Dino version of that bird coming after you... Hey, I think I just came up with the next syfy network movie.

That's going to be a lot easier for me to see If I map it to a sphere in Maya...

"Future location of Interstellar Bypass 42"

I've been thinking about this problem for the better part of a decade. My working idea is that due to the immense gravity of a singularity, matter and energy, once it passes the event horizon experiences Dimensional Collapse as it travels to the center of the BH. The Singularity itself exists in only one dimension. As

Where did they get Bantha Milk?

I, for one, welcome our bird overlords.

Dunno, I'm 80% serious, 20% trolling :P

I'm not talking about interpretations. I'm speaking of conflicting accounts of the same event as in one person says "he raised his hands over his head" while another says "he reached forward with his arms outstretched, palms to heaven"
