
A small practical model for filming? Not sure that would be useful in this situation :P

If only Bill O' Riley was around then...

"Apply heat to DNA and it becomes useless delicious. " - Fixed that for you...

Meh. Wake me when there's a Mc D's in space...

$50 says that the test involves consuming some poor animal's genitals.....

Because it was too painful to watch?

Well, It IS delicious....(drool)

Like adapting an M. Night Shamalamadingdong mess of a story to the show?

Crossover potential?

A bag of money the size of a duck wouldn't contain that much money, regardless of the duck's name...

Counter offer: Let's get Chris to do an episode and let Vince be the show runner....

So are they casting Bieber as their 13 year old brat?

Mine is still in the sealed Brown Hasbro box. I couldn't muster enough interest to open it...

I stopped reading the title at :

My first thought was:

My 3Doodler 2.0 won't be delivered until April. Coincidence? Absofuckinglutely! Not everything is connected. Just like my sneeze occurring at the same instant a man in China throws up 10 unchewed gum balls have not a damn thing to do with one another. Leave connect the dots where it belongs in books for kids so the

If you stare at the top left corner of this pic, the cops and their shadows start to look like Centaurs in your peripheral vision...

Was that Stephen Fry Narrating?

So this is the origin story of Bill O'Riley!

I'm trying to remember what else was a "NX" that killed a franchise. I just don't think I can, Oh Wait!