
Really. Lets see the statistics on violent billionaires.....

#3. Im pretty sure I read a couple articles on here about blood transfusions from the young rejuvenating heart muscle and cognitive brain function. Still mice, but still rejuvenation...

They pre-surrendered....

"And if you're read the work, "

Why that Twinkie is still edible after 2,000 years.

"Are We Overthinking the Dangers of Artificial Intelligence?"

Here I was expecting food porn...

Looks like a zombie mouth with teeth to me....

There could be alien life out there and it could be delicious.

Wouldn't a space escalator be more practical? That way if it breaks down, you could walk the rest of the way....

The cosmetologists are busy with the massage therapists working on a cure for Ebola.

Seems like it would be easier to just re-define the term Megacity.....

Cosmologists doing biology is like letting your car mechanic to a heart transplant.

Really, we're one superflu away from it being a non-issue.....

Ummmm. ALL water in the solar system is older than the sun. Unless our sun went supernova while we were sleeping all of it came from another star exploding before our sun formed.

Or: If you see a starbucks, leave the area. You have entered a douche zone where people are stupid enough to pay $5 for coffee. Stupid people are dangerous in groups...

Actually it is true, under certain conditions. There are many people who have died, been revived, and still have hair and nails.

Seriously, some things are too dangerous to the planet to throw aspirin and Penicillin at.

What about a smaller version so I can grow a luxurious pornstache?