
Technically The Grand Canyon is more than 95 years old, unless you are a young Earth creationist....

So, we get lots of plot holes?

Sounds like a Japanese sexbot incident.

So the crux of this issue is that Mercedes-Benz, and Audi, and everyone else, must have a driver-selectable "high" and "low" setting on their headlights in order to be compliant with this regulation. This is largely because federal regulators back in the 1960s could've never dreamed of a system where a computer

I find depressing pie as unlikely a concept as non-delicious bacon...

Or they might invite their friends to see it and give themselves a good scare.

"From the extremely abrasive lunar dust to the sun's unfiltered ultraviolet rays, the flag most likely would quickly be bleached white and disintegrate."

Now I want to see a chart of Illicit goods intermittently overlaid on top of this in GIF format. Drugs, Human Trafficking, Black Market Organs, Comic-Con exclusives....

Epic meals are why americans are so fat.

I expected a bear in an RV.....

Driving on that road really takes it's toll.....

Seems like the only thing on Steam these days is early access piles of luke warm crap.

Only reason you need to Frack:

There May Be an Ocean's Worth of Water Deep Below the Earth's Surface

I binge read 35 Star Trek Novels back to back about 30 years ago.

I just imagined someone rushing out to buy a bunch of Ikea furniture to make a "paper" backup.

A new internet you say? Already been done.

WooHoo! I'm not old and fat, I'm an astronaut!

They should have tried throwing water on him first. Also I hope they took his shoes.