
This would have been so useful eighty years ago before we invented squeeze bottles, ketchup packets, and condiment pumps.

The creative math only applies to someone who drives a lot. For me 7700 miles a year is typical with 2 fill-ups per month and decent mileage in a V6 mustang. Even the low end Tesla is $300.00 over my current payment with all of the incentives in my state. The low end Tesla doesn't give me enough range for 2 Vegas to

replace them with leaf springs....lean and bounce as far back as you like.....

So, no one is going to ask the important question? What does it taste like?

Wow. First off its NOT a discovery. It was designed to do what it does. They patients don't have direct control, the computer does. They are not cured, and do not have the ability to wander around all willy-nilly. They don't have any sensation in those areas, just minor muscle control. if your legs are paralyzed, you

So..... Reducing carbon emissions will now become a threat to national security. The GOP has been trying to find a way to spin climate change that way for a while.

Hacking has absolutely nothing to do with being remote or wireless. If you add a turbocharger to your engine, that is technically hacking it. If you alter the tune of your transmission shift points in software using the ODBII port, that is hacking. The fact that you can call it something else which also adequately


You sir, have never driven onto a fresh banana peel or been hit by a green shell whilst driving on the freeway then.

The thing about substance abuse is it is generally a self-correcting problem, much like Russian Roulette.

Let us not forget gaining the ability to shoot people into the sun. (Reality TV people for starters)

Its only a B-movie if you are in your 20's comparing it to current production results.

I wonder if the coil could be constructed in such a way that it could pick up the metal off of the table/ground underneath. If so that could be an interesting way to prospect for gold without panning. Just run the material underneath the coil and let it grab the metal right out of the muck.

In Russia, pencil sharpens you.

Wait a sec, there's Cro-Magnon Monster Porn on Kindle?

You never see them with their own cameras. Maybe there really isn't any flash photography allowed......

"Great news for that narrow population of people that actually have it!"

"What's the difference?" About 6 tons of Lead.....