
Wow, that bites!

"The surrounding waters are so beautifully aqua-colored as to appear unbelievable."

How do we know they aren't really small Klingon ships?

"Trust me, I'm a __________"

Movies in color, and movies with dialog and sound. Damn Talkies!

You need chemistry for life to work. For chemistry to work, you need elements. To get elements you need stars to go supernova. For stars to go supernova AND produce elements other than H and He you need more than 15 million years.

Out of all of the thousands of miles of shoreline, why there? Not just once, but four times? Did the Algal Bloom in some way attract them like a narcotic addiction?


Now if only we could make a 10 ton door fall into place if you take a golden statue off of a dias without swapping the correct weight of sand in its place...

Apparently I don't know how to make words together to sense a sentence thingy.

No to mention that the walkers would have disintegrated in that climate to the point of being immobile within a couple months.

I didn't mind that the pendants would allow electronic devices to work. I was bothered by the fact that the power plants that would have supplied the power would have long ago stopped producing it.

#2. It may be partially based off of Disney versions, but when they started taking things like Mary Shelly and shoving it in places it didn't belong, it became sodomy.

So Xenomorphs were tribbles.....

First rule of business, don't piss off your IT guys, they will make your life a living hell.

Why the hell does Ichabod have a modern English accent that didn't (fully) evolve until after the revolutionary war. The only area in the US that has of what makes it(RP) distinct was Mass. and all they got was dropping the rhotic portion.

I swear at the end of the short she said "Bloody time ho's"...

Hey some of us assholes don't drink...