
Thanks! (Though I have a slight disagreement about the accuracy of your response regarding collecting and sharing info with advertisers. You may not be directly doing so, but your use of the facebook API is allowing facebook to collect and share that info, and allows you to view some of that info via your facebook

Thank you grammar police.

If I go to a movie, I have an idea what to expect from reading about the movie. I don't expect such images when surfing around on a gawker site about cars. Also, you're inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes is what is known as a lack of empathy. I hope you never lose a loved one to suicide so you can

Yeah, images that invoke suicide are hilarious. Especially to those of us who have lost loved ones to suicide. Really makes us laugh our asses off. 30,000 people commit suicide every year in the US alone. Multiply that number by your guess as to how many people loved each of them. Then multiple that number by 30 or

Questions missing from this post:

Thank god. Finally I don't have to see in my search results. worst garbage evar.

Here's a bitlyfied link to the wsj article, hopefully gawker won't bork this one: []

Meanwhile, back in reality:

Your statements are based on the illusion that the stock market will always trend upward over time just because it always has. It's legalized gambling. Nothing more. Nothing less.

If/when they add an import feature for queues it'll be quite useful. Being able to see my netflix queue, amazon wishlist movies, youtube watch later all in one place, in an orderable list would be great.

This could only have been written by someone who either didn't have a 401k in the fall of 2008 or who works for a company that sells 401k management.

Tip for those who live in areas where earthquakes can happen (this includes you Oregon and Washtington state): Don't put books above your kids' beds as in the picture above. Don't put anything above your kids' beds that could fall (books, shelves, picture frames, mirrors etc.) Or your own bed for that matter.

And daily automated backups of your SD content to the cloud are not a viable option because...? []....

Really bad logic. So, by this logic we also use multiple low-capacity NAS drives. Three words: Titanium Media Sync

The lack of actual prices in your reply is telltale. But either way, rest assured my ego feels jabbed. ;-)

I read something just like this in 2002. Still using email.

Uh, no, not unless you're configuring a PC from a severely overpriced gaming rig maker. Just go to [] and pick a mid-level machine and config it like a mid-level Mac and then look at the staggering difference in price.

I've been doing this once a year every year for 20 years, on the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. AKA Buy Nothing Day: [] I highly recommend joining in for BND 2012

I waited tables for 9 years at different kinds of restaurants (low end to high end, touristy to fine dining). I can tell you from that experience that this is all complete and total BS. Every waiter is different (funny, just like every person is different) and every table is different. Just be kind and honest if you

Alternate headline: How to run your obscenely overpriced OS on obscenely overpriced hardware!