Great tips for people with disposable income who don't live on a tight paycheck-to-paycheck budget. For the vast majority of us however, these tips are a sure way to lots and lots of overdraft fees and/or more credit card debt and interest payments.
Great tips for people with disposable income who don't live on a tight paycheck-to-paycheck budget. For the vast majority of us however, these tips are a sure way to lots and lots of overdraft fees and/or more credit card debt and interest payments.
Excellent post. Nice job Adam.
Bizzarre. How about tips on how to find a dentist that *doesn't make you pay up front* for any care at all? Or is that just the west coast where we have to do that?
That's a surprising amount of keystrokes. The simple answer to the question "How Can I Talk to My Phone in Public Without Looking Like a Jerk/Creep/Weirdo?" is: Use the keyboard.
Yeah, you probably want to leave cooking to the culinary sites and stick to the GTD-related stuff. This is how to ruin a perfectly good steak, not how to cook it perfectly.
Started Amazon Prime in December, have yet to stream anything because the stuff marked 'Prime' is all stuff i've either seen or don't want to see. I hope these additions help. (I have Netflix too, so can't imagine paying $2 to $5 or more dollars to watch a single movie when there's that bittorrent client just…
Ooo, a screen protector! Almost as useful as a 3.5" floppy disk!
And they've already taken the ad down. lol.
Gosh just think of all I can do with my $82 refund this year! The possibilities are... well... rather finite really.
I don't even use the social aspects they added in the last version. What I do use is the ability to sort by Android version and even device, to view popular apps sorted by day, week, month and all time.
How is AppAware missing from the competition list [] (That's a new app name for a new version, the previous version has been around since the first android phone, the G1.)
More often than not, the real reasoning behind someone's dislike or distrust of video games is simply that they suck at video games so choose to criticize people who are able to enjoy them.
Will there be a follow up article on why we still need a floppy drive?
Wow. Glad I don't have any sites at NightmareHost.
So often the "Remains of the Day" stories deserve much more visibility than they get. There's pretty much only one in this bunch that doesn't, imo.
I didn't realize that "awesome" had become a synonym for "mundane."
I wouldn't look any further at such an applicant. I'd assume they were just filling out applications to meet the requirements for their unemployment check and weren't serious at all about the application. Terrible advice.
Very interesting how widespread lack of knowledge/understanding of rel="nofollow" (in use by both twitter and Facebook) has recently snowballed into a great big Google-bashing party.
After years of rolling my own, I recently bought a Sony Bluray player with GoogleTV built in. Loving it.
That 4.5million signatures was an early number. Later in the day it was up to 7 million: []