It's not about preventing access to the sites, it's about raising awareness and urging people to contact their reps and senators and urging them to oppose SOPA.
It's not about preventing access to the sites, it's about raising awareness and urging people to contact their reps and senators and urging them to oppose SOPA.
And will any Gawker sites be joining the SOPA protest in any way, shape or form? Beuller? Beuller?
I've not seen any Gawker sites on lists of sites that are participating in the blackout tomorrow.
It's too bad they haven't included closing apps. The batch file I use to switch to gaming mode first kill off processes I don't want/need running while gaming, then it starts firing up the gaming-related apps. I've got another file that reverses everything to put me back into non-gaming mode.
It's almost as if different types of people read the site!
When will CM9 be ready? Oh wait, I just violated the first rule of Cyanogenmod. Nevermind. :-)
I didn't have issues with smoking, but have been using a vaporizor for the past couple of years. The ones at are reasonably priced (relatively) and are easy to use. Vaporizing is also much more efficient, so reduces costs as well.
i like the concept, but i spill things. a lot. my kids more so.
Cool, it works. It knows the only site I mistakenly trusted when I shouldn't have was gawker:
Aha, the bit torrent vote got a 'most popular' instead of 'best' today. there is balance in the little world of my nit picky mind. i feel like monk on a good day.
My favorite won again, whoohoo! I realllly like that you called it "most popular" instead of "best." :-D
Thanks for replying Whitson.
Picasa has it's shortcomings but I've tried many others and always return to Picasa. (My primary use case is editing and posting photos of our kids for far flung relatives.)
While it does work if the source of the offensive odor has been removed, it would have to be an extremely offensive odor for me to want to suffer through the smell of vinegar instead. :-)
Yeah. What Zenin said.
Sweet stuff, thanks for posting. The options page highlights which the part of the YouTube page a particular setting will effect as you hover your cursor over the setting. Just plain brilliant. Haven't seen that before. More of that please Chrome addon devs!
The cited/linked to article suggests starting off with a "Credibility-building introduction", yet the author of the article doesn't tell us why he himself is credible on this subject. A bit of Googling reveals that he is not. He has a B.Sc, Computer Science, Business Administration and a "Freshman Diploma" in…
Very interesting numbers. The fact that they're on the way to going public probably won't help them much. US law says public companies have to make profits for shareholders their number one priority. Since profits for shareholders and protecting privacy are diametrically opposed in the Facebook business model, the…
a troll criticizes the posts of others to get a rise out of them and then the troll points it out when it happens. "Looky what I did!"
Ok, when people criticize me for not posting as they would, I'll try to refrain from pointing out how ridiculous they are for telling people how to post or not post. Would that make you feel better?