
@Maximillian: I do use my own judgement, but not everyone does. That's why I'd love to see them stop. Not because I don't want to see them but because I fear for the impressionable minds that fall for this crap and then screw up their interpersonal relationships as a result. and there's nothing hackish about these

@BlueBeard: i was quite bummed after i noticed. was typing fast and furiously and not paying attention. :-(

I call bullsh*t. People often use words like 'well' and 'uh' to communicate that they're gathering their thoughts and forming a sentence. The inability to speak without such filler words does not make one a liar. I'd be so happy to see all the 'how to tell someone is lying' posts disappear forever from lifehacker

"Why you should" is the best phrase to start something with if you want me to stop listening or reading after the 3rd word. Good think I already use appbrain.

Major Omission Alert! Etemology! How can you be a language geek without an etemological dictionary! Now that I've used my exclamation point quota for the day, here: []

some good suggestions and some good debunking. I don't get how people can deal with the neti pot though. I've never had a cold or sinus infection bad enough to make me want to waterboard myself. *shivers*

If you need this then you probably need to stop drinking cuz you've probably got an alcohol problem.

LOL. Whether intentional or the result of English as a second language, the result is just all wrong.

I've been using SwiftKey since their first Alpha and I've never seen it "crash my Nexus One." I've seen it Force Close maybe twice, which is probably what the author meant with the wildly innaccurate "crashed my Nexus One" comment.

@wygit: i'd like to see it compared to html5 ads. (disclaimer: i'm neither anti-flash nor anti-html5. i'm just really curious.)

Ads? There are still lifehacker readers who don't use adblockers? how odd.

@engrish.yeah!: that won't stop Steve Jobs from banning it from the app store. mark my words. "Sold Out." How transparent is that?

"Sold Out" - Translation: Steve Jobs heard someone approved a flash app for the app store and freaked out. We're trying to figure out how to deal with that now.

How the hell did an app with flash in it get approved for the app store? Any bets on how long until Steve Jobs' ego has it yanked from the app store?

cute, but the ones who need it most would never use it. it's a preaching to the choir app.

Sure the bathrooms are small, but some of us still like to get screwed while flying. There's a club and everything!

When it comes to choices between giving advertisers and app creators what they want versus protecting user information and privacy, it seems FB always errs on the side of pleasing the advertisers. Hard to see that as not evil. I voted "a little."

@ShababAntimachus: Tax cuts for the rich will make a rising tide lift all boats! Overconfident statements indeed. ;-)

@theaulddubliner @Mr Quacker Indeed! A much more simple and accurate approach! :-)

@orlo: lol. Well, since one of the aspects of paranoid schizophrenia is that you usually don't realize you're suffering from it (and are as likely as not to vehemently deny such an accusation if you are) what would the polygraph be screening for on that question? The facts or whether the person being screened believes