
False positives are as easy to create in a polygraph as false negatives. Reason #1354 this bunk science is disallowed in court by most judges. Anyone who asks you to submit to a polygraph should be asked to submit to a test for paranoid schizophrenia.

"internet kill switch" is hilarious to me. It was initially designed to maintain communication in the event of a nuclear war, multiple redundancies and all that, yet there's some fantasy that a single switch could shut it all down? yeah, good luck with that. :-D

@Jason: No, you're a troll because you're not even responding to the points I made, you're spouting off in reaction to the idea of a liberal in your head and your idea of what that liberal said/says instead of what I actually said in an attempt to get a reaction out of me.

@Jason: You're not even arguing with what I said now. You're arguing with semi-related things that I didn't actually say but that you have a boilerplate response for.

@Jason: You're not presenting facts, you're parroting someone else's opinions and presenting them as if they were facts.

@Jason: If you think I appear reluctant to argue facts then you're not reading the whole thread (and who can blame you, it's gotten much longer than I ever would have guessed it would.)

@Jason: Well that's oversimplifying things quite a bit. What really happened in CUvFEC is that the corporate and union spending limits in McCain/Feingold were removed and CUvFEC says that corporations can now can spend unlimited amounts of money on political advertising. The SCOTUS gave non-human entities known as

@SpudDude: Why do so many republican voters think a simple majority can pass things in the senate? Is this a falsehood that Faux News is spreading or did you all sleep through civics class in high school? []

@Jason: Just doing you the favor of letting you know you need to rewrite some of glenn beck's hyperbole before posting it if you don't want it to be so obvious that you're just repeating what you heard on his radio show or saw on his faux news show.

@junyo: I'm so busted!

@Texas: You have a severe lack of understanding of how the senate works. To quote someone else in this thread who put it so succinctly: "Senate procedures require a supermajority to advance a bill to an up or down vote, so a simple majority isn't enough." If you wanna learn more of the facts beyond the inaccurate

@junyo: Small donations by individuals to politicians are not anonymous. Disclosure is required. Had you ever donated, you'd know that. Want do know if someone you know donated to any campaigns in 2008? Look it up: [] And turn of Faux News. It's filling your head full of lies.

@darkwing: How would a bill forcing transparency in donations benefit one party over the other? Your rhetoric makes no logical sense of any kind.

@Jason: Oh look, a glenn beck parrot. how cute.

If only it could track the money that can now be donated anonymously thanks to the SCOTUS decision in CUvFEC and the GOP's blocking of a bill that would've required transparency in political donations.

@MightyJoe36: Your skin is made of kevlar? Awsome!!!

Alternative headline: How to Incur Bad Karma

@jaycustom79: That's not how to manipulate people, that's a way to feel better about having a tiny penis.