Vote: Human Being with some computer savvy.
Vote: Human Being with some computer savvy.
You don't like trolls because you're a socialist, communist, nazi.
@Talthybius: good points and ideas.
I like that it doesn't force you to share advertising for itself like Jing does. Nice.
If you spend much time at all going out of your way to find and use coupons, consider how much you're really 'saving' if your time is worth even only $10 an hour. and of course count the gas and wasted time spent driving out of your way to use a coupon.
@fuchikoma: :-)
I've been doing customer service or support 15 years and this is as true as it gets. If you start off a call by spewing your anger at a rep that rep has no reason to do you any favors and may in fact look for ways to make things harder on you in retaliation for your being a jackass. Treat reps with respect and an…
Every individual is different. Trying to apply these 'rules' in real life leads to unwarranted distrust and paranoia.
@fuchikoma: quite the contrary. symbian is toast.
@Talthybius: Oh I love it when people reply to generalizations with specific examples which don't fit into the generalization. []
@alcalde: Sure, it's fine if you want to hire someone who just wants a job, any job. But if you want to hire someone who is interested specifically in working for your company then it matters.
2 points:
As a manager who has hired many people I concur. If someone hasn't bothered researching the company, or even surfing the website, no sane person would consider the applicant. I've ended pre-interview phone screens with "thanks for your time" after applicants admitted not having viewed the website.
@RussianTaco: Good point. but the percentage of english speakers in southern hemisphere is much lower than the northern, so it should still be reposted in the fall. Apologies to Aussies, Kiwis and other southerners who read my initial comment.
Please repost this in the fall when people might actually be interested in it.
@zod000: No, in Firefox.
Oh, you mean like weave already does?
@Haxxy: I love assumptions about what Flash will and won't do on mobile OSes when the only thing we know about Flash on mobile OSes is a 2 minute Adobe released on Nexus One launch day showing Flash on Nexus One. Ass + u + me = assume.
Wow. How does that ego fit inside his turtlenecks anymore?
Oooo! I know how I'll be wasting at least an hour tonight. :-) Been waiting for this since I got my G1. Glad I've got an N1 to play with it on now. Squeeeeeeeeeeee!