
I'm still on G because if I forked out more $ for an N router I'd see no difference unless I also forked out more money to upgrade the wifi cards in all my devices where it's an option. But my Wii would still be G, my wife's phone will still be G. And while a theoretical 300Mbps might be nice for LAN transfers, my

no longer works. they noticed and fixed it. gah.

vote: pandora

I wonder how much of their IP, if any, Wave Secure bothered to apply for patents for?

i've been using this in 'learning mode' for the last couple of hours. I think it's going to be helpful, specifically with an eye toward fine tuning job descriptions.


As a sufferer of severe sleep apnea (yes, being treated) I couldn't get out of bed without at least three snoozes unless the house were on fire. Brain needs that snoose time to re-oxygenate. Fewer apnea events during snooze because not sleeping deeply enough to stop breathing.

@Kualtek: Check out Jing. Not bad.

have nexus one. what would i possibly want with a larger, less functional iPad?

And how was the software used to run the tests tested?

@diamonddnice: There are number of free, open source tools that accomplish all these things with fewer bugs and less bloat. hence my bafflement.

Why would anyone who doesn't own an iPod or an iPhone use iTunes for anything? This baffles me.

@Zundfolge: Yeah, what Zundfolge said.

My adblocking rule is pretty simple: If and animated ad distracts me when i'm trying to read or write, all the ads on the site get blocked.

works incredibly well. may end up uninstalling 'app organizer' because i can now access any app with a tap, two gestures and another tap.

Corporations understand only one language: Money. I'm not a fan of frivolous lawsuits but this can help make sure that google never again releases a product or feature without first putting in through either trusted testers, labs and/or an invite-only beta before rolling it out to the public at large. Lessons must be

My 'other': Only where I can control who sees it.

@vinterchaos: 'Viable' is not a matter of opinion, it either works or it doesn't. Android is obviously a viable Netbook OS or major hardware makers wouldn't be shipping Android Netbooks. As I said before, your assumption that Android for Netbooks would be identical to Android on a phone is a flawed assumption. Of

@vinterchaos: Your reply is irrelevant to your previous assertion that Android isn't a "viable" Netbook OS. If that were true, HP, Acer and others wouldn't be selling Android Netbooks. And don't assume that Android on a Netbook is identical to Android on a phone. There's a hell of a lot more to Android than the