
Unless you live in the boonies you've got at least 5 toyota dealers within a 30 minute drive of you. Just call and until you find one with an appt time that works for you. I got my appt at the day and time i wanted it and with the first dealer i called (seattle burbs)

@vinterchaos: so, click this link [] then explain to HP, Acer and others who are selling Android Netbooks that android isn't a viable netbook OS. ;-)

@jeffk: click the google link above. it'll take you to search results for android netbooks. there are many and many more on the way (several announced at CES.)

@monkeyesq: Well as it turns out, Google agrees with me and the other millions who feel/think like I do about their abysmal privacyFAIL: [] So if you still feel like arguing write to them and tell them to roll it back to privacyFAILville.

@monkeyesq: Oh, and if you haven't heard about this post yet, check it out. Pretty much every major news org in the UK and US has covered it by now: []

@Gonzie: Not exactly. They're sharing things automatically without telling you. They also launched without a block option and the block option has disappeared for many accounts today. Followers with no public profile have not yet been blockable. You don't have to be doing something wrong to want privacy or to

Block option has disappeared from my followers list. Not that it matters much. The people I wanted to block were those without a public profile, but they never had a block link anyway. Not going well at all Google Buzz team. #FAIL

The last thing I want/need is yet another web application asking me to tell it what I'm thinking about or when I've recently refilled my coffee cup.

@jethro1138: We'll get weave on Android when Fennec (Firefox Mobile) arrives for Android. Still a few months away, but progressing well.

This doesnt' describe a sync at all. It describes an import. The two are not the same.

Let's be real. Tablets are fashion trinkets for people with expendable income. The gap between smartphones and netbooks isn't crying to be filled. Companies are trying to create a market where there is no real need.

When I say degrag the mind I say LSD.

@ThaMofo: There were multiple Android tablets from different hardware makers shown off at CES.

@ThaMofo: There were multiple Android tablets from different hardware makers shown off at CES.