VOTE: TweetDeck
VOTE: TweetDeck
The ACLU FB quiz really deserves more visibility that it gets in remains of the day...
Wow. Look at FIOS go (20-30Mbps.) That's some pretty seriously quick adoption.
I'm got some serious doubts about this info. I've got less than 10% available credit remaining on all of my cards, have for years, and yet my FICO score as of last week is a 716 avg (avg of scores from the top three credit bureaus.)
or they could, maybe, oh i dunno... let us install apps on the SD card without having to root the phone to do it!?!
Having been a customer service rep I can say that this tactic is incredibly transparent and instantly raises hackles and defensiveness.
Vote: Digsby
Hmm. this post mentions slowness on the site they're sending the cards to for printing: []
404 here too.
Select from a particular point in a line all the way to the end of that line:
I share links in 5 of the listed ways plus a couple of others. Can't respond to this poll when it is set to allow only one choice.
Bing's already up to 11%? Wow. Lots of Microsoft employees on Lifehacker. Huh.
You don't have to hold down shift to select text. Just click with the trackball at the beginning of the text to be selected, then click again with the trackball at the end of the text to be selected and, voila, text is now on clipboard.
What, no Wii Fit? ;-)
This post is a little late for April fool's day isn't it?
Where's the option for "VoIP line and Cellphone"?
Aw use the very cupcake link i sent in and what no tip o the hat? no way to identify a user name from email address or just no interest in hat tipping? ;-)
"several" users here, "a couple" of users there = "rolling outages"?
@wolfman544: Uh, serious sense of false security thare. It is not possible for any single entity to track all of the update sites. They're constantly propagating and changing. That's part of its dastardliness.
oh my. [] is a wee bit overwhelmed at the moment.