Pretty dropdead obvious list IMO. There's only one item on that list I'd pay for (or not find the cheapest i can) in any economy no matter how flush I am.
Pretty dropdead obvious list IMO. There's only one item on that list I'd pay for (or not find the cheapest i can) in any economy no matter how flush I am.
For the 1 or 2 people who may not be aware: the google desktop search bar works for web searches too. So install that instead (you can disable the local indexing if it freaks you out.)
Looks much more like something I'd buy than the first version. The price does not. I wouldn't pay more than $200. Did they forget we're in a recession and on the verge of Depression 2.0 when they set the price?
I think I'll just turn on my Wii instead.
"(Maybe it's just me? I don't like looking like a shill.)"
The 2.15 and 2.16 versions of this add-on took a wonderful thing and utterly destroyed it. Read the comments for it on before installing (unless you like installing things that change your settings, insert bookmarks etc without your consent.) go with speed dial instead.
+1 for: Google
Doesn't this line just sorta take all the mystery out of it?: "The wife uses Internet Explorer 7"
@Talthybius: Nevermind, answered my own question. I'd expected private data clearing settings to be firefox default. restored settings to match my expectations and all is well. *sheepish grin*
So far I'm absolutely loving it. With one exception: It is offering to save my passwords but only saves them for that session. If i restart foxglove the entire saved passwords list is gone.
I prefer the hosts file route myself. Sending packets routing through a proxy server an back tends to end up slowing things down with some sites. Especially once that proxy server gets more traffic than it is prepared to handle.
@NortonSnail "Plus, as soon as Apple implements c&p, this effort will be wasted."
VOTE: Google Desktop
Vote: Remember The Milk
Google maps used to have a click to call feature. You clicked the number, it asked you the number of the phone you wanted to call from (remembered if entered previously) and then rang that phone, and you picked it up to hear it ringing.
Great post, excellent idea! It also reminded me of some stuff I dropped into my google notebook from previous posts that I'd meant to check out but haven't yet. :-)
This has already been said but it bears repeating since clearly a lot of people have missed it.
Idea for a Lifehacker poll: How many Lifehacker readers own an iPhone and which version.